Mandatory Online Courses
All staff should undertake the following online training modules here as part of the induction process:
Information, Management and Policy Services training:
Freedom of Information Training
Other Mandatory Courses:
Introduction to Diversity & Inclusion
Prevent Duty Awareness training
The Prevent strategy is part of the overall counter-terrorism strategy CONTEST and falls under section 6 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 which says specific authorities, including Higher Education Institutions, must have a "due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism."
An online course has been developed to raise awareness about the Prevent duty, our safeguarding obligations and the way to raise concerns.
For staff who hold roles in the following areas, it is strongly encouraged that you complete this training.
- Personal tutors
- Wardens
- Staff in support centre hubs
- Security staff
- Welfare staff
- Any member of staff organising events
To complete all of the above, please go here.
Contact details:
- Email: