These are some of our current PhD students and details of the research projects they're working on.
Chinuru Chituru Achinewhu
- Critical Examination Of The Legal Regulation Of Trans-National Online Based ‘Ponzi’ Schemes In Nigeria
- Supervisors: Dr Bolanle Adebola and Dr Andrea Miglionico
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation (CCLFR)
Areej Alabassi
- The legal protection of Saudi female employees against harassment in the workplace
- Supervisors: Professor Grace James and Dr Rachel Horton
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
Naif Alatawi
- "The Role of Arbitrators in International Commercial Arbitration": Strategic Implications of Neutrality, Independence, and Impartiality
- Supervisors: Professor Robert Merkin KC and Professor James Devenney
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
Wala Al-Daraji
- Third-party funding regulation and law development in Singapore, the UK and the US: access to justice, case selection, litigation costs and funding fairness.
- Supervisors: Dr Jorge Guira and Professor Robert Merkin KC
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: w.al-daraji@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Ahmed Aldhafeeri
- The Public Policy Exception to the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards: The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Perspective
- Supervisors: Dr Bolanle Adebola and Professor Robert Merkin KC
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: a.f.aldhafeeri@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Sami Aldbyani
- The evolving legal framework governing smart contracts: A comparative study of the UK and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Supervisors: Professor James Devenney and Professor Gerard McMeel
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation (CCLFR)naif
Hayat Almutairi
- Investigation into the Labour Reforms Initiative (LRA) as a tool for Saudi Arabia to improve migrant workers rights
- Supervisors: Dr Rachel Horton and Dr Kieran Lee Marshall
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation (CCLFR)
Asaiel Alohaly
- Rethinking the Shareholder Primacy in State-Owned Enterprises: The Case of Aramco
- Supervisors: Dr Andrea Miglionico and Professor James Devenney
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: a.a.alohaly@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Ahlam Alshamari
- Application of Laws Conflict Principle in Disputes Resulting from International Trade Law Contracts in Gulf Cooperation Council Countries, with Reference to Worldwide Agreements - A Comparative Study
- Supervisors: Professor James Devenney and Professor Gerard McMeel
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation (CCLFR)
Hanouf Al-Thani
- The effects of the United Nations conventions on the law reforms in the State of Qatar
- Supervisors: Professor Rosa Freedman and Professor Marko Milanovic
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation (CCLFR)
Abderahim Alwallani
- Debt Restructuring Reforms and their Impact on Financially Distressed Companies in the UK
- Supervisors: Dr Andrea Miglionico and Professor James Devenney
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: a.alwallani@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Matthew Armitage
- A Law Unto Itself: How ISDA Influences, Circumvents and Redefines Law-Making
- Supervisors: Professor James Devenney
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: m.armitage@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Basak Bak Tezgel
- Genetic Data Privacy and ‘Legitimate Interest’ in Genetic Research: Is consent still a relevant narrative within the realm of big data research under the European data protection regime?
- Supervisors: Professor Thérèse Callus
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: b.baktezgel@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Shweta Band
- Deconstructing the Paradox in the Promise of Freedom of Religion: Lessons from India and the UK
- Supervisors: Dr Stuart Lakin and Dr Reuven (Ruvi) Ziegler
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: shweta.band@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Yusuf Enes Beggi
- Arbitration and AI: An Analysis of the Challenges and Procedural Issues Encountered
- Supervisors: Dr Kyriaki Noussia and Professor Robert Merkin KC
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation (CCLFR)
Leslie Olonyi Bosire
- Dissecting the Legal Architecture Enabling Environmental Dumping: Regulating the Risk and Stemming the Southerly Tides of Environmental Dumping
- Supervisors: Professor Chris Hilson and Dr Jorge Guira
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation (CCLFR)
Wyatt Boutwell
- The Conundrum of Colonial Bishops:The High Church, Low Church debate on bishops for the colonies and the first African Anglican Bishop, Samuel Ajayi Crowther
- Supervisors: Dr Charlotte Smith and Professor Aleardo Zanghellini
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society (LJS)
Marzia Briel
- Evaluating the unintended social, ethical and legal consequences of Open Science using a risk-based approach
- Supervisors: Professor James Devenney and Christine Riefa
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: m.m.briel@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Tara Brown
- Is the legal framework robust enough to respond to threats below the level of armed attack in outer space?
- Supervisors: Professor Michael Schmitt and Professor Alexander Gilder
- Research Grouping: Global Law at Reading (GLAR)
Daniel Hassan Bwala
- The Role of the Compliance Mechanism of the Paris Agreement in Achieving Equity and Climate Justice
- Supervisors: Dr Andrea Miglionico and Professor James Devenney
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society (LJS)
Amelia Chirtes
- The importance and prospects of the evolution of the Convention on Nuclear Safety related to land-based civil nuclear power plants, in the context of the first decade after the latest major nuclear accident at Fukushima Daiichi – Japan
- Supervisors: Dr Jorge Guira and Professor Chris Hilson
- Research Grouping: Global Law at Reading (GLAR)
Priya Chowdhury
- Activism as an Alternative Strategy: Challenges and Ingenuity in Indian Takeover Regulation
- Supervisors: Dr Jorge Guira and Samuel Law
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation (CCLFR)
Furkan Dogan
- Cyber-Worthiness: Implementing New Technologies and Their Effects on Maritime Industry
- Supervisors: Professor Robert Merkin QC and Professor James Devenney
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: f.dogan@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Charley Dugdale
- The Effect of Short-Term Prison Sentences
- Supervisor: Dr Jo Phoenix and Dr Peter Coe
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: c.m.dugdale@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Aybuke Naz Durmus
- Subrogation and Co-Insurance in Marine Insurance
- Supervisors: Professor Robert Merkin QC and Professor James Devenney
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: a.n.durmus@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Joy Emma-Duru
- The requirement and implications of better law enforcement and dispute resolution for pregnant workers and new mothers in the UK following pregnancy and maternity workplace discrimination
- Supervisors: Professor Grace James and Dr Rachel Horton
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: j.k.c.emma-duru@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Dimag Feridun
- The Future of Good Faith in English Commercial Contracts
- Supervisors: Professors Gerard McMeel and James Devenney
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: d.feridun@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Sareeya Galasintu
- Comparative Study on the Optional Consumer Redress Mechanism: Alternative Dispute Resolution in the EU and Thailand
- Supervisors: Professor James Devenney and Dr Bolanle Adebola
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: s.galasintu@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Radhika Goel
- Negotiating Power with the Normalised Cultural Ideal: Interaction of Neurodiversity and Sexuality within the contours of law, family, and social media
- Supervisors: Professor Aleardo Zanghellini and Professor Thérèse Callus
Charlotte Graham
- International Humanitarian Law and Non-State Actors
- Supervisors: Dr Alison Bisset and Dr Alexander Gilder
Alok Gupta
- When a Compassionate Culture exploits animals: an argument for Animal Rights in India
- Supervisors: Professor David Bilchitz and Professor Chris Hilson
Ceren Gurkan Dogan
- The Share of Liability Between the Cloud Provider Who Supply Storage Spaces for E- Commerce Host Providers Under Data Breach
- Supervisor: Professor Christine Riefa and Dr Peter Coe
- Email: c.gurkandogan@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Balkrishna Gurung
- A Human Rights Based Approach in Disaster Prevention and Management to Provide Protection and Agency to Marginalised Ethnic Groups in Nepal
- Supervisors: Dr Alison Bisset and Professor Chris Hilson
- Research Grouping: Global Law at Reading (GLAR)
- Email: balkrishna.gurung@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Catherine Janet Kissee-Sandoval
- Where the Internet Stops: Developing the Legal Architecture to End the USA's Digital Divide
- Supervisors: Professor Christine Riefa and Dr Peter Coe
Robert Kithuku
- Efficiency of Adaptive finance: a case of finance community based adaptation projects in Kenya
- Supervisors: Professor Chris Hilson and Rosalind Cornforth
Ion Klitorakis
- Law, Justice, and Society: Criminal Law, Media, and Privacy
- Supervisors: Dr Beatrice Krebs and Jessica Fish
Daryl Lai
- Cyborg Companies and the Corporate Veil
- Supervisors: Professor James Devenney and Dr Samuel Law
Bronte Makepeace
- Domestic abuse, ‘public’ threats, and the public/private divide: is governmental policy getting its priorities right?
- Supervisors: Professor Aleardo Zanghellini and Dr Nora Honkala
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
Alastair Marke
- The Role of Law in Regulating Digital Green Assets
- Supervisors: Professor Chris Hilson and Professor Christine Riefa (Dr Samuel Law acting 2nd)
Natalie Matranga
- Sex and gender in the UK legal system
- Supervisors: Professor Rosa Freedman and Professor Jo Phoenix
Conor McGahon
- Is Digital Society causing a Paradigm shift in Privacy Law?
- Supervisors: Dr Peter Coe and Professor Christine Riefa
Roberto Musone
- Legitimate expectations in administrative law
- Supervisors: Dr Stuart Lakin and Dr Leonid Sirota
Rebecca Nocella
- Porn Workers’ Rights: Insights for New Labour Law Regulations
- Supervisor: Professor Aleardo Zanghellini and Professor Grace James
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: r.nocella@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Ugochi Nwosu
- Promoting Gender Diversity in Arbitration Tribunals: A Case for Party Autonomy
- Supervisors: Dr Bolanle Adebola and Professor Robert Merkin KC
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: u.nwosu@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Margaret Ounsley
- At the Golden Bear with St. Lawrence: A study of cooperation in the administration of poor relief in an eighteenth-century corporation town
- Supervisors: Dr Charlotte Smith and Professor Rosemary Auchmuty
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: m.ounsley@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Will Page (SeNSS DTP scholarship)
- The Peculiarities of Privacy in Public Space & The Deployment of Automatic Facial Recognition (AFR) Technology
- Supervisor: Dr Peter Coe and Kat Hadjimatheou
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice and Society
Stavros Pantos
- Evaluating Macroprudential Measures and Policy Responses to COVID-19 for the European Banking Sector
- Supervisors: Professor Gerard McMeel QC and Dr Andrea Miglionico
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: s.pantos@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Anna Elyse Ressler
- The Obligation to Register Death Under International Law
- Supervisors: Professor Aleardo Zanghellini and Professor Susan Breau
- Research Grouping: Global Law at Reading (GLAR)
- Email: a.ressler@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Andy Reynolds
- Returning Criminals - Transportation Convicts returning from the “Hell in Paradise” in Australasia, 1788-18
- Supervisors: Dr Charlotte Smith and Dr Annika Newnham
Muhammed Sahin
- Evaluation of Foreign Judicial Sales of Ships and Their Recognition: In Terms of Protection of Security Interest Holders
- Supervisors: Professor James Devenney and Professor Robert Merkin KC
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: m.sahin@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Elvinas Savukynas
- The Theory and Practice of the Proportionality Test in Human Rights Law
- Supervisors: Professor David Bilchitz and Dr Ana Cannilla
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: e.savukynas@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Teddy Soobramanien
- WTO Law and Security Interests in the New Geoeconomic Order
- Supervisors: Dr Andrea Miglionico and Professor James Devenney
- Research Grouping: Global Law at Reading (GLAR)
- Email: y.soobramanien@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Karolina Szopa
- Between Consensus and Evolution: The Legitimacy of Evolutive Interpretation under the European Convention on Human Rights
- Supervisors: Professor David Bilchitz and Dr Stuart Lakin
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: k.szopa@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Khaled Talahma
- The Validity and Enforceability of Mediation Clauses: A Comparative Analysis
- Supervisors: Professor Robert Merkin QC and Dr Bolanle Adebola
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: k.talahma@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Kieran Tinkler
- Multi-Domain Warfare and the Law of Targeting
- Supervisors: Professor Michael Schmitt and Professor Rosa Freedman
- Research Grouping: Global Law at Reading (GLAR)
- Email: k.r.j.tinkler@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Tahlia Virdee
- ‘Beaten into the Margins: The Governance and knowability of BDSM and Kink Sexualities in England and Wales
- Supervisors: Professor Aleardo Zanghellini and Dr Nora Honkala
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: tahlia.virdee@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Pei Ying Wang
- The voice of ‘other people’s children’: the subjective experience of youth confinement in Taiwan
- Supervisors: Alexandra Cox and Jo Phoenix
Mia Wick
- Addressing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in the International Aid Sector: Making the case for a human rights-based regulatory framework for INGOs
- Supervisors: Professor Rosa Freedman
Zechuan Zhao
- Under International Human Rights Law, explore the development and protection of the rights of minorities in China, and analyze the status of minority rights protection in YunnanProvince
- Supervisors: Professor Rosa Freedman and Dr Reuven (Ruvi) Ziegler
- Research Grouping: Global Law at Reading (GLAR)
- Email: zechuan.zhao@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Margaret Ounsley
- At the Golden Bear with St. Lawrence: A study of cooperation in the administration of poor relief in an eighteenth-century corporation town
- Supervisors: Dr Charlotte Smith and Professor Rosemary Auchmuty
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: m.ounsley@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Naif Alatawi
- "The Role of Arbitrators in International Commercial Arbitration": Strategic Implications of Neutrality, Independence, and Impartiality
- Supervisors: Professor Robert Merkin KC and Professor James Devenney
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
Wala Al-Daraji
- Third-party funding regulation and law development in Singapore, the UK and the US: access to justice, case selection, litigation costs and funding fairness.
- Supervisors: Dr Jorge Guira and Professor Robert Merkin KC
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: w.al-daraji@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Ahmed Aldhafeeri
- The Public Policy Exception to the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards: The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Perspective
- Supervisors: Dr Bolanle Adebola and Professor Robert Merkin KC
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: a.f.aldhafeeri@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Asaiel Alohaly
- Rethinking the Shareholder Primacy in State-Owned Enterprises: The Case of Aramco
- Supervisors: Dr Andrea Miglionico and Professor James Devenney
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: a.a.alohaly@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Abderahim Alwallani
- Debt Restructuring Reforms and their Impact on Financially Distressed Companies in the UK
- Supervisors: Dr Andrea Miglionico and Professor James Devenney
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: a.alwallani@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Matthew Armitage
- A Law Unto Itself: How ISDA Influences, Circumvents and Redefines Law-Making
- Supervisors: Professor James Devenney
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: m.armitage@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Basak Bak Tezgel
- Genetic Data Privacy and ‘Legitimate Interest’ in Genetic Research: Is consent still a relevant narrative within the realm of big data research under the European data protection regime?
- Supervisors: Professor Thérèse Callus
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: b.baktezgel@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Shweta Band
- Deconstructing the Paradox in the Promise of Freedom of Religion: Lessons from India and the UK
- Supervisors: Dr Stuart Lakin and Dr Reuven (Ruvi) Ziegler
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: shweta.band@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Marzia Briel
- Evaluating the unintended social, ethical and legal consequences of Open Science using a risk-based approach
- Supervisors: Professor James Devenney and Christine Riefa
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: m.m.briel@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Amelia Chirtes
- The importance and prospects of the evolution of the Convention on Nuclear Safety related to land-based civil nuclear power plants, in the context of the first decade after the latest major nuclear accident at Fukushima Daiichi – Japan
- Supervisors: Dr Jorge Guira and Professor Chris Hilson
- Research Grouping: Global Law at Reading (GLAR)
Furkan Dogan
- Cyber-Worthiness: Implementing New Technologies and Their Effects on Maritime Industry
- Supervisors: Professor Robert Merkin QC and Professor James Devenney
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: f.dogan@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Charley Dugdale
- The Effect of Short-Term Prison Sentences
- Supervisor: Dr Jo Phoenix and Dr Peter Coe
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: c.m.dugdale@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Aybuke Naz Durmus
- Subrogation and Co-Insurance in Marine Insurance
- Supervisors: Professor Robert Merkin QC and Professor James Devenney
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: a.n.durmus@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Joy Emma-Duru
- The requirement and implications of better law enforcement and dispute resolution for pregnant workers and new mothers in the UK following pregnancy and maternity workplace discrimination
- Supervisors: Professor Grace James and Dr Rachel Horton
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: j.k.c.emma-duru@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Dimag Feridun
- The Future of Good Faith in English Commercial Contracts
- Supervisors: Professors Gerard McMeel and James Devenney
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: d.feridun@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Sareeya Galasintu
- Comparative Study on the Optional Consumer Redress Mechanism: Alternative Dispute Resolution in the EU and Thailand
- Supervisors: Professor James Devenney and Dr Bolanle Adebola
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: s.galasintu@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Ceren Gurkan Dogan
- The Share of Liability Between the Cloud Provider Who Supply Storage Spaces for E- Commerce Host Providers Under Data Breach
- Supervisor: Professor Christine Riefa and Dr Peter Coe
- Email: c.gurkandogan@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Balkrishna Gurung
- A Human Rights Based Approach in Disaster Prevention and Management to Provide Protection and Agency to Marginalised Ethnic Groups in Nepal
- Supervisors: Dr Alison Bisset and Professor Chris Hilson
- Research Grouping: Global Law at Reading (GLAR)
- Email: balkrishna.gurung@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Chinuru Chituru Achinewhu
- Critical Examination Of The Legal Regulation Of Trans-National Online Based ‘Ponzi’ Schemes In Nigeria
- Supervisors: Dr Bolanle Adebola and Professor Andrea Miglionico
Bronte Makepeace
- Domestic abuse, ‘public’ threats, and the public/private divide: is governmental policy getting its priorities right?
- Supervisors: Professor Aleardo Zanghellini and Dr Nora Honkala
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
Rebecca Nocella
- Porn Workers’ Rights: Insights for New Labour Law Regulations
- Supervisor: Professor Aleardo Zanghellini and Professor Grace James
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: r.nocella@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Chichi Nwosu
- (Title TBC)
- Supervisors: Dr Jorge Guira and Professor Chris Hilson
Ugochi Nwosu
- Promoting Gender Diversity in Arbitration Tribunals: A Case for Party Autonomy
- Supervisors: Dr Bolanle Adebola and Professor Robert Merkin KC
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: u.nwosu@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Will Page (SeNSS DTP scholarship)
- The Peculiarities of Privacy in Public Space & The Deployment of Automatic Facial Recognition (AFR) Technology
- Supervisor: Dr Peter Coe and Kat Hadjimatheou
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice and Society
Stavros Pantos
- Evaluating Macroprudential Measures and Policy Responses to COVID-19 for the European Banking Sector
- Supervisors: Professor Gerard McMeel QC and Dr Andrea Miglionico
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: s.pantos@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Anna Elyse Ressler
- The Obligation to Register Death Under International Law
- Supervisors: Professor Aleardo Zanghellini and Professor Susan Breau
- Research Grouping: Global Law at Reading (GLAR)
- Email: a.ressler@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Muhammed Sahin
- Evaluation of Foreign Judicial Sales of Ships and Their Recognition: In Terms of Protection of Security Interest Holders
- Supervisors: Professor James Devenney and Professor Robert Merkin KC
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: m.sahin@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Elvinas Savukynas
- The Theory and Practice of the Proportionality Test in Human Rights Law
- Supervisors: Professor David Bilchitz and Dr Ana Cannilla
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: e.savukynas@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Teddy Soobramanien
- WTO Law and Security Interests in the New Geoeconomic Order
- Supervisors: Dr Andrea Miglionico and Professor James Devenney
- Research Grouping: Global Law at Reading (GLAR)
- Email: y.soobramanien@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Karolina Szopa
- Between Consensus and Evolution: The Legitimacy of Evolutive Interpretation under the European Convention on Human Rights
- Supervisors: Professor David Bilchitz and Dr Stuart Lakin
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: k.szopa@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Khaled Talahma
- The Validity and Enforceability of Mediation Clauses: A Comparative Analysis
- Supervisors: Professor Robert Merkin QC and Dr Bolanle Adebola
- Research Grouping: Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation
- Email: k.talahma@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Kieran Tinkler
- Multi-Domain Warfare and the Law of Targeting
- Supervisors: Professor Michael Schmitt and Professor Rosa Freedman
- Research Grouping: Global Law at Reading (GLAR)
- Email: k.r.j.tinkler@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Tahlia Virdee
- ‘Beaten into the Margins: The Governance and knowability of BDSM and Kink Sexualities in England and Wales
- Supervisors: Professor Aleardo Zanghellini and Dr Nora Honkala
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: tahlia.virdee@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Zechuan Zhao
- Under International Human Rights Law, explore the development and protection of the rights of minorities in China, and analyze the status of minority rights protection in YunnanProvince
- Supervisors: Professor Rosa Freedman and Dr Reuven (Ruvi) Ziegler
- Research Grouping: Global Law at Reading (GLAR)
- Email: zechuan.zhao@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Recently awarded PhDs
Patsy Kirkwood
- Has the 'Right to Be Forgotten' Brought about a New Form of the Right to Privacy and Further Control of Personal Information Within Data Protection for Individuals?
- Supervisors: Professor Stavroula Karapapa and Professor Rosa Freedman
- Research Grouping: Global Law at Reading (GLAR)
- Email: evelyn.kirkwood@pgr.reading.ac.uk
Liz-Mari Welman
- Securing Gender Equality at a Senior Level? A Critique of UK Employees' Right to Request Flexible Working
- Supervisors: Professor Grace James and Dr Patrizia Kokot-Blamey (Queen Mary)
- Research Grouping: Law, Justice & Society
- Email: l.welman@pgr.reading.ac.uk