- Bolanle Adebola, "Rescue Decisions: A Proposal to Reform the Administration Procedure in England and Wales" INSOL International Academics' conference (San Francisco: March, 2015).
- Bolanle Adebola, "A Few Shades of Rescue: A Critical Assessment of the Corporate Rescue Concept", INSOL Europe Academics' conference, (Istanbul: October, 2014).
- Bolanle Adebola, "Transplant No. 2: Some Thoughts on the Reform of the Nigerian Insolvency Law", Colloquium on the Reform of Insolvency Law, (Pretoria: September 2014).
- Bolanle Adebola, "The Law of Insolvency in Nigeria: A Critical Analysis of the Present Legal Framework", NIALS - BRIPAN Roundtable (Abuja: May 2013).
- Bolanle Adebola, "The Agency of the Nigerian Receiver", INSOL Europe Academic Forum (Venice: September 2011).
- Bolanle Adebola, "Protecting the Minority? An Assessment of the Nigerian Insolvency System", INSOL Europe Academics' conference (Dublin: June 2010).
Bolanle Adebola

Associate Professor
- Module Convenor and Lecturer for the following modules on the LLM programme (on campus and distance learning): International Commercial Arbitration, Corporate Governance, Corporate Finance.
- Lecturer on the LLB Research Placement Project
- Legal Practice Liaison Officer for the Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation (CCLFR)
Areas of interest
Principal areas of interest include: international corporate insolvency law; comparative corporate rescue systems and international corporate finance.
Bolanle enjoys the contextual approach to law which includes the use of interdisciplinary, empirical and comparative methods. She is also interested in the Behavioural Approach to Law, Economics and Finance. Her jurisdictions of interest include England and Wales, the US and Nigeria.
Research centres and groups
Member of the Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation (CCLFR)
Bolanle joined the School of Law as a lecturer in September 2015. Prior to this, she was a Postdoctoral Associate at University College London (UCL).
During the course of her post at UCL, she obtained the British Council Early Career Researcher Links grant to conduct research on the Nigerian corporate rescue practice. She presented the findings of that research at the inaugural colloquium on insolvency law reform in Africa which she pioneered and co-organised with the Centre for Advanced Corporate Insolvency Law (CACIL) at the University of Pretoria.
She is actively engaged in capacity-building and the development of modern insolvency and contemporary corporate rescue practices in emerging markets. She has facilitated events for the Business Recovery and Insolvency Practitioners Association of Nigeria (BRIPAN) and provided training at the Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (NIALS).
Bolanle is a trained advocate with dual qualifications: Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria.
Academic qualifications
- PhD (UCL, 2013)
- LLM (Bangor, 2008)
- BL (Nigeria, 2006)
- LLB (Ogun, 2005)
Others include: GradICSA (2015) and FHEA (2014).
Professional bodies/affiliations
- Higher Education Academy: Fellow
- Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators: Graduate member
- International Association of Restructuring, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Professionals (INSOL): Academic member
Selected publications
- Bolanle Adebola, "Proposed Feasibility Oversight for Pre-pack Administration in England and Wales: Window Dressing or Effective Reform?" (2015) JBL (forthcoming)
- Bolanle Adebola, "Conflated Arrangements: A Comment on the Company Voluntary Arrangements in the Proposed Nigerian Insolvency Act 2014" (March 2015) NIBLeJ, 2.
- Bolanle Adebola, "Common Law, Judicial Precedents and the Nigerian Receivership Procedure" (2014) 58 (1) Journal of African Law, 129–144.
- Bolanle Adebola, "Discretion or Obligation to Seek Directions: The Administrator and Rejected Proposals" (2013), 1 NIBLeJ, 3–13.
- Bolanle Adebola, "The Nigerian Business Rescue Model: An Introduction" (2013) 1 NJILS, 35-64 available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract id=2297824.
- Bolanle Adebola, "The Duty of the Nigerian Receiver to 'Manage' the Company" (2011) 8 (4) International Corporate Rescue, 248–254.