Buying computer equipment
This guide gives information on buying computers and other IT hardware.
- guides you through our process, policy and service levels
- provides examples of some common purchasing scenarios
- answers some frequently asked questions
- directs you to where to find help and support if you have any further questions
Computer equipment includes laptops; desktop computers; connected peripherals such as keyboards, mice, headsets, monitors and docking stations.
Workplace computers are different from the computers you buy for personal use. Typically they are designed to operate for much longer hours than a consumer equivalent. They also need to be configured as a University asset to work fully and securely on the University network and with other University services.
The University has recently adopted a 'laptop first' approach to procuring staff computers. This enables flexible and mobile working. This change has been a decision which has been considered over a number of months but cemented by recent events. Staff should now procure only laptop computers for general use.
It is recognised that in some circumstances a laptop computer is not appropriate, and in these situations an IT Hardware Exception Form should be completed. In this form you will be asked to provide the requirements or functionality which cannot be met by the standard laptop.
Device Lifecycle programme
Following on from the staff device replacement project, 2023 sees the start of a sub-programme to replace all University devices. For information on eligibility and the rollout schedule, see Device Lifecycle.
Our supplier XMA
Computer hardware should be ordered directly from our contracted supplier in line with our procurement policy and standard hardware specifications. The University's sole supplier for Windows computers, Apple computers and IT peripherals is XMA.
Users can log into XMA's HE Hub by following the link in the top right corner of the portal to register an account and filling in your details. The University of Reading Account number is 17021653, this is needed to make sure you are linked to the correct UoR account and see the correct pricing. You will be able to use the site once you have received confirmation by email of your login username and password.
Buying Windows Computers
You can find full details for the current standard devices in our Buyer's Guide: Buyer's Guide.
How to order a Windows Laptop
- Choose your device from the Buyer's Guide
- Order from XMA via your departmental purchase administrator
- Request installation via the DTS Service Desk
- Our supplier will deliver on an agreed date
- Configure your installed hardware for your needs and preferences
Buying Apple Computers
If you choose to purchase an Apple Mac computer please ensure that you can perform all your required functions with macOS. We are unable to support a dual boot Windows option or a virtual PC environment except in exceptional circumstances which must be agreed before ordering.
There are however some important factors to consider before choosing an Apple product. Accessing University corporate systems from a Mac may not be possible or it will require additional support time and licensing costs. Other software applications may not be available for macOS or may not be covered by our existing software licences.
You can find full details for the current standard Apple devices in our Buyer's Guide: Buyer's Guide.
How to order an Apple computer
- Choose your device from the Buyer's Guide
- Order from XMA via your departmental purchase administrator
- Request installation via the DTS Service Desk
- Our supplier will deliver on an agreed date
- Configure your installed hardware for your needs and preferences
IT Peripherals and Additional Hardware
Peripherals include items such as monitors, headsets, cables, USB hubs, keyboards/mice. Some of the common ones you might need to order are described in our Buyer's Guide: Buyer's Guide.
Place your order via the XMA HE Hub. See above for details on how to register and order.
Buying computers for PC labs/classrooms
Digital Technology Services can also provide support for PCs in a PC lab or classroom. This is however a different way of running the PCs compared to a typical staff office. Any school or department considering this option must contact DTS to discuss requirements before buying the computers, this can be achieved by filling in an IT Hardware Exception Form.
Buying Non-Standard Equipment Over £75
We understand that there will be instances where specialist equipment is required such as a high-performance PC for research or a rugged laptop for outdoor use.
When requesting any item of IT hardware that is not listed in our Buyer's Guide, the requester should complete the IT Hardware Exception Form. This will enable DTS to assist staff in choosing a nonstandard model as well as ensuring that the choice is compatible with the University's software and hardware systems.
This form offers two options:
- You would like to provide general requirements for DTS to recommend appropriate hardware and provide a quote.
- You already know the specific hardware that you require and would like DTS to check and approve the purchase.
Examples include a specialist need for a specific computer configuration, manufacturer or certified hardware. In this instance please attach a quote for your required specification along with any supporting information. DTS will check that we can help support the equipment before approving the purchase.
Please Note: Any non-standard equipment that is purchased without prior authorisation may have restricted network access (i.e. Wi-Fi access only) and may not be supported by DTS.
How to Pay For Your Goods or Services
IT and Computing equipment must be bought using a Purchase Order or by using a University Purchase Card. Except in very rare circumstances (for example an urgent need to purchase a laptop charger), it is not permissible to purchase IT or computing equipment using expenses. For details on what is allowed and not allowed, please refer to the University Expenses and Hospitality Policy (PDF-476KB) and consult with Procurement before making any purchase of IT or computing equipment using your own money.
Warranty and repairs
Standard warranty from XMA is one year from the date of purchase. If your device develops a fault, please raise a ticket with the DTS Service Desk so we can organise repair or replace. In most circumstances we can loan you a laptop until yours is working.
If your device was supplied by DTS from central funding (i.e. through the Staff Device Replacement programme) DTS will fund the repair or replacement. If the device was purchased through your School or Department, this cost will need to be met by them. In either circumstance, you must not arrange repair for a University owned device yourself.
Ownership and Disposal of Assets
Please be advised that, except in rare circumstances, ownership of any IT or computing equipment remains with the University and is not transferrable to staff or students. This includes equipment which has been bought using PDAs/SDCs or grants and is irrespective of age of the equipment.
You should take care of your equipment and ensure it is returned in a usable condition. Please do not customise in any way that can't be removed (e.g. stickers, graffiti, vinyl covers). The next person who gets your machine may not appreciate your taste.
Laptops belonging to leavers should always be returned to DTS for secure wiping and a health check before they are re-allocated to a new owner.
Functions and schools are responsible for securely disposing of University owned computer hardware via the Disposal Request Form. This includes equipment bought on research grants and PDAs/SDCs. If you need to dispose of IT equipment, please read the IT Equipment Disposal Policy beforehand.
Your Procurement Contacts
To contact Procurement, please email
Page updated by lm920207 on 11/01/24