Daniela Standen

+44 (0) 118 378 5163
Associate Professor
As Academic Director of Teaching and Learning (NUIST-Reading Academy) I am responsible for academic quality and standards for students based at the NUIST-Reading Academy a joint institute in Nanjing, China.
I have oversight of the School’s contribution to supporting internationalisation of the curriculum and development of global graduate attributes and I am a member of the University UK (International) working group on Internationalisation at Home.
I convene the following modules:
Intercultural Competence and Communication (delivered at the University of Reading)
English for Academic Purposes 3 (delivered at NUIST-Reading Academy)
I am a University Teaching Fellow
Areas of interest
My Teaching and Learning scholarship interests include: intercultural competence and communication, academic and vernacular literacy practices, assessment, blended learning, flippe learning as an inclusive pedagogy, academic integrity, curriculum development.Teaching
Module convenor of:
- Modern Britain 2: society, culture and history - undergraduate research (IL1GMB2)
- Intercultural Competence and Communication (IL1GICC)
I am a language teaching and intercultural competence specialist. I have taught IWLP Italian, English for Academic purposes and ‘The Global Graduate’ modules, which are designed to develop students’ global graduate attributes. My teaching practice puts students firmly in the centre, working with students as partners in their own learning.
I am an experienced academic leader, having led many teaching and learning transformation projects in various roles. Notable examples are:
the development of the Global Graduate Programme and the Red Global engagement award, giving students opportunities to develop graduate attributes for the global workplace.
the expansion of the foundation provision both international and home strands.
Teaching and Learning funded projects:
2021 | The Global Graduate Programme: developing curricular provision to support development of global competencies, intercultural competencies and graduate attributes | T&L Innovation Fund |
2017 | Supporting Dyslexic Students to Learn Languages | Diversity and Inclusion Fund |
2016 | Development of Italian 3 module in partnership with student | ISLI T&L Projects Development Fund |
2016 | Online Placement Tests for IWLP Italian and Spanish | ISLI T&L Projects Development Fund |
2015 | Introducing peer/team-based learning in the IWLP Italian 1 syllabus | ISLI T&L Projects Development Fund |
Previous roles include:
International Study and Language Institute Director of Teaching Learning. Member of the School Leadership Team, provides Academic Leadership to programmes in the International Study and Language Institute (ISLI) with strategic oversight of:
Home and international Foundation Level provision in the UK and overseas including emerging and existing TNE partnerships.
The School’s contribution to supporting internationalisation of the curriculum and development of global graduate attributes, through leadership of the Global Graduate and the development of the Global strand of the RED award.
Teaching and Learning coordinator (Italian & assessment) on the Institution-Wide Language Programme.
School Disability Rep.
School Diversity and Inclusion Lead.
Academic Secondee on the Electronic Management of Assessment Project.
External Examiner
Solent University (Introduction to English Language Teaching; Languages for all Italian)
Newcastle University (University-Wide Language Programme)
Module convenor: IWLP Italian (LA1PI1, LA1PI2, LA1PI3); English for Erasmus Students (IL1GEE); Modern Britain: Society, History and Politics.
Academic qualifications
M. Ed. Applied Linguistics (Distinction), The Open University
Pg. Cert. Academic Practice, University of Reading
Cambridge Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA)
Pg. Cert. Human Resources Management, University of Sunderland
B. Soc. Sc. (Hons) International Studies and Politics, University of Birmingham
Professional bodies/affiliations
University Teaching Fellow
Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy
UNILANG Accredited Examiner
Member of London & the South East Academic Integrity Network
Member of Association of University Language Centres
Member of UK Association for Language Testing and Assessment
Member of British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes
Peace, M. and Standen, D. (2021). A case study in harmonising progression and qualification requirements. InForm, 20
Standen, D. (2020) Introducing group assessment to improve constructive alignment: impact on teacher and student experience. Reading University T&L Exchange.
Standen, D. (2020) How ISLI moved to online teaching in four weeks. Reading University T&L Exchange.
Brown, L. , Klimpfinger, R., Standen D., Siciliano-Verruccio, E. (2017) Supporting Inclusivity and Diversity in Language Teaching and Learning at the University of Reading. Reading University T&L Exchange.
Standen, D. (2017) Five ideas on how to use Chromebooks in the Classroom. Reading University T&L Exchange.
Standen, D. (2017) ‘Applying Flipped Learning to an IWLP Italian Stage 3 Module: Creating a Deep Learning Environment’. Flipped Learning Network Hub.
Standen, D. (2017). ‘An Appraisal of “Flipped Learning” in the Italian Classroom’. Tuttitalia - Association for Language Learning
Selected publications
Standen, D. (2023) Leveraging vernacular literacies for academic purposes: A case study into Foundation Students at a British Higher Education institution. BALEAP Academic Literacies Special Interest Group, 9 November, British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes (BALEAP) (online).
Standen, D. (2023) A student partnership approach to internationalising the formal curriculum and student experience. Intercultural Competence and Global Citizenship Conference, 3-4 July University of Exeter (online)
Standen, D. and Marku, E. (2022) How to co-create in the formal and informal curriculum. Innovations in Internationalisation at Home Workshop, 9 September, City, University of London.
Standen, D. (2022) Developing an 'internationalisation at home’ programme through student partnership: a case study. Innovations in Internationalisation at Home Conference, 15 July, University of Kent.
Standen, D. (2020) Flipped Learning: Lessons Learnt. TEL Showcase: Flipped Learning, 14 September, The University of Reading.
Standen, D. Nicholson A. (2020) Paired oral assessment in IWLP French and Italian. Association of University Language Centres Conference, 9-10 January, Maynooth University, Ireland.
Standen, D. (2020) Introducing group assessment to improve constructive alignment: impact on teacher and student experience [Poster Presentation]. Engage, Enhance, Empower: Supporting student achievement Conference, 22 January, The University of Reading.
Cirillo, C. and Standen D. (2018) Developing HE Teacher’s assessment literacy to enhance the quality of language assessment: a case study. Professional Competencies in Language Learning and Teaching Conference, 12-13 July, University of Nottingham.
Cirillo, C. and Standen D. (2017) Developing quality foreign language assessment in an HE context: reality, challenges, ambition. UK Association for Language Teaching and Assessment Language Testing Forum, 24 November, University of Huddersfield.
Standen, D. and Marsili, U. (2017) Transitioning into the world of work: encouraging students to learn deeply and broadly to enhance independence and transferable skills. Transitioning in Language Learning and Teaching- UK LINGUA, 22-23 April, The University of Durham.
Standen, D. and Marsili, U. (2017) Encouraging students to learn deeply and broadly: tools to enhance independence and transferrable skills in an IWLP Italian beginner module. Association of University Language Centres Conference, 8-9 January, Queen’s University Belfast
Standen, D. (2016) Flipped learning in the language classroom. Multilingual Language Learning and Teaching Colloquium – UK Lingua, 23-24 April, The University of Durham.