Dr Sarah Brown

A qualified solicitor, Sarah returned to academia in the early 2000s and completed her PhD in 2006, at which point she took up a position at the School of Law, Leeds University, where she became an Associate Professor in 2016. Sarah’s research interests cover consumer protection and personal insolvency and she specialises in, and writes on, consumer credit law and relationships. Her publications include the monograph The Regulation of Consumer Credit A Transatlantic Analysis (Edward Elgar, 2019) and European Insolvency Law Reform and Harmonization ( Edward Elgar, 2017) co- authored with Professors Gerard McCormack and Andrew Keay. She has published a number of journal articles and has contributed chapters to edited collections, her latest being ‘Cake, Conflict and Consumer Law: The Significance of Masterpiece Cakeshop v Colorado Civil Rights Commission and Lee v Ashers Baking Company Ltd’ in Landmark Cases in Consumer Law (J Gardner, I Ramsay (eds) (Hart, 2024). Sarah is also on the editorial team for Goode Consumer Law Credit and Practice(LNUK).