- “Artificial Intelligence: Friend or Foe for Consumers”, Near East University, October 2023, Nicosia, Cyprus.
- “Cross-Border No Protection of Consumer Laws in Cyprus”, International Association of Consumer Law, Hamburg, July 2023, Germany.
- “Vulnerability Theory, Vulnerable Subject, and a Vulnerable Consumer”, Emory School of Law, Atlanta, 24 March 2023, United States of America.
- “Women as (Vulnerable) Consumers”, 2022 Women’s Day Special Symposium, Faculty of Law, Near East University.
- “Vulnerability of Sustainability”, Consumer Conference 2021, Nova School of Law, Portugal.
- “Unfair contract terms and the second contract law regime”, PhD Lightning Talk, 2015, University of Hull.
- “Force Majeure: An ambiguity in consumer contracts”, Newcastle PGR Conference 2014, University of Newcastle.
- “Unfair Contract Terms in French Consumer Law: A comparative study between UK & France”, University of Hull, PGR Workshop Day 2014, University of Hull.
Nezihe Tekman

Visiting Research Fellow
Areas of interest
Consumer Law, Contract Law, European Consumer Law, Vulnerable Consumer Protection, AI and Law.
Nezihe has received her legal education studying common law in North Cyprus and graduated with high honours in 2009. She has completed her LLM degree in Commercial Law at the University of Bristol, United Kingdom. Her master thesis; “Who are the consumers within the scope of European Consumer Law?” was supervised by Professor Paula Giliker. She has received a European Union scholarship during her master’s degree and after the successful completion of her LLM Degree, she has returned to Cyprus and started teaching in Higher Education ever since 2010.
In the same year, she has started practising law and she has been admitted to the Cyprus Turkish Bar Association in 2011 and has been an active member of the Nicosia Bar Association since practising law.
She has started her PhD Degree at the University of Hull, United Kingdom in 2013 specialising in the effective protection of vulnerable consumer focusing on two main consumer law directives: Unfair Contract Terms Directive and Unfair Commercial Practices Directive. From the same university, she also holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Research Training.
In 2017, she started working in Near East University in Cyprus as a lecturer and researcher and she is now the LLB Coordinator for the International Law Department. She is also visiting lecturer in different universities in Cyprus and she teaches, Consumer Law, Contract Law, Competition Law and Commercial Law.
In 2023, she has been appointed as a lawyer for the Consumer Arbitration Board in Cyprus.
She is currently working on alternative redress methods for consumers, researching consumer vulnerability and artificial intelligence in effective consumer protection.
Selected publications
Book Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)
- N.Tekman, ‘Vulnerable Consumer’: A new Yardstick for the European Consumer Law?”, “Consumer Protection: Current Challenges and Perspectives”, ISBN: 978-85-65862-26-4, (2019)
- N.Tekman, ‘Re-Inventing the Notion of Vulnerable Consumer’, 9th Consumer Law Congress, Consumer Law Institute, Turkey, Aristo, (2020).
- N.Tekman, ‘TRNC Construction Sector and the Inability of Protecting the Vulnerable Consumers’, 10th Consumer Law Congress, Consumer Law Institute, Turkey, Aristo (2021)
- N.Tekman, “Women as Consumers”, Studies on Woman and Law, On iki Levha Publications, ISBN: 978-625-432-561-8, (2023).
Journal publications (Peer-Reviewed)
- N.Tekman, ‘Case Comment: Applicability of the UCPD in Mortgage Enforcement Proceedings’, Antalya Bilim Üniversity, Journal of Faculty of Law, Vol.8(16), December 2020.
- N.Tekman, ‘A Lawyer’s Right to ‘Consume’, Legal Law Journal, 2019(204).
- N.Tekman, ‘Book Review: European Law on Unfair Commercial Practices and Contract Law’ Near East University, Faculty of Law Journal (2018).
- Country Report: North Cyprus in Special IACL Newsletter on Coronavirus and Consumer Rights, November 2020