- External Examiner FdA University of Portsmouth
- Journal reviewer
Teresa Wilson

+44 (0) 118 378 2641
Associate Lecturer
Programme Director, BA Children's Development and Learning
Areas of interest
- The role of the family and parents in child development
- Working in partnership with parents in early years education and care
- Mentor development and support in education
- BA Education Studies
- Foundation Degree in Children's Development and Learning
- BA Children's Development and Learning
- Postgraduate Certificate in Early Years Practice
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education
Research centres and groups
Equity, Inclusion and Improvement at the Institute of Education
Research projects
- Strengthening practitioner-parent collaboration through the use of partnership sessions built on Froebelian principles and pedagogy (Nov. 2017 – Jan 2018) – Froebel Trust
Selected publications
Conference Presentations:
Kambouri-Danos, M., Quinn, S. & Wilson T. (2017). Strengthening practitioner-parent collaboration through the use of partnership sessions built on Froebelian principles and pedagogy. Presented at European Research Network about Parents in Education and the University of Roehampton, 11th biennial ERNAPE Conference held at the University of Roehampton, 5th – 7th July 2017.