Our world-leading research makes important contributions to theory and practice across the education, language and learning spectrum.

Explore our research
The quality of our research was recognised in the latest Research Excellence Framework (2021), the system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions.
The University of Reading's Institute of Education is rated in the top quartile of education departments in the UK. 98% of our research is of international standing (REF 2021, combining 4*, 3* and 2* submissions – Education).

Latest research news
Find the most up-to-date information about research projects being undertaken at University of Reading’s Institute of Education.

PhD opportunities
Find out about our areas of expertise, our postgraduate supervision, and the broad range of areas related to education that the can be explored on this programme.

Doctoral supervisors
Become part of a vibrant and diverse research community, working alongside leading experts within the research field of education.

EdD opportunities
Find out about our areas of expertise, our postgraduate supervision, and the broad range of areas related to education that the can be explored on this programme.