- Adjunct-Professor at the Department of Special Psychology, Faculty of Special and Clinical Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education.
- Associate Fellow of British Psychological Society.
- Member of International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability.
- Member of Special Interest Research Group on Profound and Complex Difficulties.
Professor Jill Porter

Areas of interest
- Collection And Responses To Disability Data in different cultures and contexts.
- Policy, Pedagogy And Curriculum For Children And Young People With Complex Learning Difficulties.
- Organisation Of Inclusive And Special Schooling.
- Early Mathematical Development and Learning.
- Research Methodologies And Special Populations.
Postgraduate supervision
Masters Level Supervision offered in these areas:
- Curriculum and pedagogy for children with special needs.
- Barriers and supports to participation in education and inclusive provision.
- Education of children with severe and profound learning difficulties.
PhD and EdD Level Supervision offered in these areas:
- Accessing the Learning Environment for Children and Young People with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities.
- Disability & Impact: Context and Culture in the Collection and Responses to Disability Data.
- Numerosity and Pupils with Complex Learning Difficulties.
- Development of counting and children with Down syndrome.
- Participatory research and mixed methods.
Current and Recent PhD Students:
- Louise Gallagher Sterritt: Dynamic Assessment of Oral Narrative Skills of Children with Specific Language Impairment (Prof. Doctorate in Dept of Health University of Bath)
- Tim Leighton: PT Inside the Black Box: a critical realist study of drug rehabilitation (University of Bath).
- Emma Seal Juggling Identities: Elite Female Athletes' Negotiation of Identities in Disability Sport Completed 2015, University of Bath.
- JinChang Huang The Language Environment of Children with Down syndrome in primary classrooms: case studies of the impact of speech rate. Completed 2013, University of Bath.
- Rachel Ravid: Taught Doctorate Student. Parents of Young High-Functioning ASD and Asperger Disorder Children Early-Years School Choice in Israel. Completed 2013, University of Bath.
- Michael O'Keefe The Rarely Heard Voice: Students with Moderate General Learning Disability Speak of their Experiences in Mainstream Schools. Completed 2009, Dublin City University.
- Colman Motherway Enabling Hearing and Giving Weight to Students' Views of Special Schooling in 21st Century Ireland: Do 'Dilemmas of Difference' Apply ? Completed 2009, Dublin City University.
- H.R.Abd El Hamidi Counting and Egyptian Children with Down Syndrome. Completed 2006 University of Birmingham.
- R.E.Germain Type of Educational Provision Made for Young People with Learning Disabilities and Participation in Communities and Activities beyond the School. Completed 2006 University of Birmingham.
- E.M.Hodges Learning Styles in Deafblind Pupils: Perspectives from Practice Completed 2004, University of Birmingham.
- J.M.Ellins Departmental Differences in Attitudes to Special Educational Needs and their Impact on Practice in the Secondary School. Completed 2004 University of Birmingham.
- C.A.Szwed The Developing Role of the Primary Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator Completed 2004, University of Birmingham.
- V. Argyropoulus An investigation into tactual shape perception and geometrical concepts in students who are blind. Completed 2002, University of Birmingham.
- D.Koutantos A cultural understanding of collaboration between parents of children with SEN and educationalists in the Special School in Crete. Completed 2001, University of Birmingham.
Research centres and groups
Improving Equity and Inclusion through Education Research Group
Research projects
- AHRC React Promoting understanding of quantity for children with Down syndrome through the development of a tablet game: Mice of Mischief- 1/10/14- 1/2/1
- Understanding the Educational Experience of Disabled Children in Different Cultures and Contexts with University of North Caucuses - 1/6/15-30/5/16
- ESRC Building on Design Matters: The co-design of guidance on building schools. Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) with University of Oxford. 4/1/17-30/3/18
Enterprise Activity, External Roles and Consultancy: