Alison Silby

+44 (0) 118 378 2646
Lecturer in Primary English Education
- BA Ed English lecturer: specialism and curriculum.
- Masters, PhD and Ed D supervisor.
- Academic tutor.
- Year 2 convenor.
- School placement supervisor.
- Examinations moderator.
Postgraduate supervision
Current and Recent PhD Students, with topics/titles of their research:
- Ruth Jones (with Dr Margaret Perkins): Teachers' attitudes and perceptions towards the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check.
- Theory and practice of teaching English in primary schools: reading, writing, speaking, listening and media texts.
- Children's literature: exploring gender and identity.
- Transition in primary education: impact on writing.
- Literacy and inclusion.
- Supporting literacy through primary music education.
- Performance poetry and playscripts.
- Qualitative research methodologies.
Research centres and groups
- First Language research group
Research projects
- Exploring children's strategies for classroom writing.
- Relationships between knowledge, concepts and skills in school-based writing.
- The use of prior knowledge in school-based writing.