Dr Máté Lőrincz

0118 378 6677
Lecturer in Construction Science
Chair of Health & Safety Committee for the School of the Built Environment
139Building location
Chancellor's buildingAreas of interest
- Computational modelling and experimental analysis of construction materials and structural systems
- Innovative low-carbon materials for construction
- Advanced techniques for strengthening and repairing structures
- Integration of social and technical factors in energy demand management
CE1HMS – History of the Built Environment, Material, and Structural Analysis (UG Year 1)
CE1ESE – Empirical Studies and Site Engineering (UG Year 1)
CEM350 - Urban Energy Systems and Energy and the Environment (MSc)
Contributing to:
CE1CCS – Construction Science (UG Year 1)
CE3PDR-Design Project for MEng (UG Year 3)
CE3CLP – Construction Live project (UG Year 3)
CE3RSD – Research Skills and Dissertation
CEM360 - Energy in Buildings and Building Simulation (MSc)
CEM10/18/19B - Dissertation Supervision (MSc)
Research centres and groups
Research projects
- Co-investigator, SSH (Social Science and Humanities for Climate, Energy and Transport Research Excellence) project, Grant No 10038991
- Principal Investigator, UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme) project “Design for Sustainable Behaviour: Feedback Interventions to Reduce Institutional Electricity Consumption”
- Principal Investigator, UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme) project “Disaggregating Electricity Consumption Data Using Device Signatures”
- Principal Investigator, UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme) project “Examining daily patterns in time-use behaviour in the United Kingdom from 1974 to 2014”
- Post-Doctoral Research Assistant, EPSRC project Residential Electricity Demand: Peaks, Sequences of Activities and Markov chains, EP/P000630/1
Dr Lőrincz is a Lecturer in Construction Science at the School of Built Environment.
His teaching focuses on both innovative and traditional construction materials, including timbre, masonry, cementitious and non-cementitious composites, and advanced repair materials. He specializes in experimental testing and computational modelling (utilizing tools like RFEM 6) to investigate the mechanics, durability, and resilience of structures and infrastructure built with these materials. Additionally, he has a keen interest in energy demand management and renewable energy solutions.
If you are passionate about research and interested in pursuing a PhD in any of these fields, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Academic qualifications
- Post-Doctoral Research Assistant 2018-2022 (University of Reading)
- Phd 2017 (Keele University, School of Geography Geology and the Environment)
- MSc 2012 (Coimbra University, Energy for Sustainability)
- BSc in Economics 2007 (University of Babes-Bolyai, Economics)
Professional bodies/affiliations
- Fellow of Higher Education
- Managing Editor Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy