Teaching and assessment methods
Our research-based teaching will provide you with a set of analytical skills to critically understand, monitor, and investigate migration phenomena, trajectories, and processes.
Your studies will be enhanced by diverse learning methods, including:
- a variety of assessment formats such as media reports, blogs, digital radio programmes, video commentaries, and exhibitions
- coursework that blends academic and professional skills, including online learning journals to accompany traditional essays
- work placements that allow you to analyse policies and practice in a work-based environment.
Learn from our experts
You will study with an established team of researchers and teachers from different disciplines who have an international record of publications and award-winning impact activities in language and migration, translation and cultural change, language policies and language planning and postcolonial studies.
Programme Director: Professor Federico Faloppa
Professor Federico Faloppa has worked on the construction of otherness through language, on language policy and migration, on the representation of minorities and migration phenomena in the media, on racism in language and hate speech.
Together with photographer Luca Prestia, he has led the interdisciplinary project and exhibition Beyond the border: signs of passages across European frontiers.
He has co-led the ESRC-funded project ProLanguage: the protective role of language in global migration and mobility (2017-19). He is currently leading the team on Multilingualism in migration and refugee settings within the EU-funded ITN Multimind: the multilingual mind (2018-22).
In addition, he has recently been the research lead of the Erasmus-Plus project Key-Co System: key competences for adult migrant learners (2018-21), of the GCRF-funded project CHAS-BIH - Conflict and Hate Speech Bosnia-Herzegovina (2020-21), and of the Council of Europe funded project Beyond definitions. A call for action against hate speech in Albania (2020-21). He is one of the sixteen appointed members of the committee of experts on combating hate speech for the Council of Europe.
With the Italian journalist association Carta di Roma he has trained journalists on migration and media narratives since 2015. Federico Faloppa is also a consultant and researcher on hate speech and language and discrimination for Amnesty International Italy.
He is the coordinator of the Italian Rete nazionale per il contrasto ai discorsi e ai fenomeni d'odio.
Read more about Professor Federico Faloppa
You will also be taught by an internationally esteemed team of scholars, including:
- Dr Tony Capstick, a world-leading expert on language provision in refugee and migration settings, and the author of Language and Migration (Routledge, 2020)
- Dr Cherilyn Elston, an expert on the cultural politics of memory, human rights, and transitional justice in Colombia, and currently working on the memory activism of the Colombian diaspora in the UK
- Prof Melani Schroeter, a world-leading expert on critical discourse studies and pragmatics who has published on the language used to discuss migration
- Dr Yasmine Shamma, whose research focusing on testimonies of displacement, migration, and resettlement is leading to the creation of the digital archive Making Home Away.*
*Currently on research leave.