Elizabeth Matthew

+44 (0) 118 378 8410
Director of teaching and Learning, History
Postgraduate supervision
I have supervised/co-supervised two theses to completion, one on late medieval English diplomats, another on late medieval English archers. I am currently co-supervising a thesis on the experience of pregnancy and childbirth in late medieval England.
Undergraduate Teaching
Part 1
- Contributions to Journeys through History 1
- Option: Chivalry: the Emergence and Impact of a Medieval Ethos
Part 2
- Option: Kingship and Crisis in England, c. 1154-1330
Part 3
- Options: Ireland and the English in the Middle Ages; History Education
Postgraduate Teaching
Graduate Centre for Medieval Studies
- Researching the Middle Ages: Late Medieval Private Letter Collections
- Advanced Study and Source Analysis supervision
- Options: Ireland and her Neighbours in the Later Middle Ages; Hundred Years War; From Agincourt to Bosworth – War and Politics in Fifteenth-Century England
- Dissertation supervision
Research centres and groups
- Council of Berkshire Record Society (2016- )
- Council of the Historical Association (2008-15); HA Branches Committee (2006-09); HA Public History Committee (2009-15); HA Reading Branch Committee (President 2000-05; Treasurer 2010-13).
- Council of the British Records Association (2006-14)
- Editorial Board of the Irish Chancery Project, Trinity College, Dublin (2008-12)