- External Examiner for the BA Drama and Scriptwriting – University of Northumbria
- External Assessor for the MA in Scriptwriting – University of East Anglia (2002–16)
- Expert Advisor (2013–) and ex-Trustee (2006–13) at Ambitious About Autism, the national charity for autism education
- Board Member of Vital Xposure; previously Vice Chair of ATC and the Playwrights Studio Scotland
- Artistic Associate at Az Theatre.
Jonathan Meth

Visiting Fellow
Areas of interest
Jonathan is curator of The Fence, which he set up in 2003. The Fence is an international network of playwrights and cultural operators. It currently has over 250 members across 50 countries and has met 25 times. Fence 24 was in Rokiskis, Lithuania; Fence 25 in Le Charite sur Loire, France in 2017. Fence meetings are planned for Cairo, Egypt and Sofia, Bulgaria for 2018.
He was Director of writernet, (1994–2009) a UK-based organisation which gave dramatic writers the tools they need to build better careers and change the culture in which they work. Over 15 years he created regional, national and international networks, delivered a wide range of targeted playwright development programmes, co-produced new plays, wrote and published a range of guides, reports and articles on many aspects of the broader theatre writing ecology.
From November 2014 to March 2017 Jonathan was Project Dramaturg on Crossing The Line – an EU Creative Europe funded collaboration project investigating the work of Mind The Gap in Bradford, UK, Moomsteatern in Malmo, Sweden and Compagnie de l'Oisesau Mouche in Roubaox, France: three of the world's leading companies making theatre with professional theatremakers who have learning disabilities.
Read Jonathan's overview of Disability Arts for the Guardian.
Postgraduate supervision
- Currently co-supervising a PhD in comedy and entrepreneurship at Goldsmiths.
- Areas of interest focus on playwriting and dramaturgy in international cultural contexts, theatre and disability.
- Jonathan has worked since 2002 as Associate Lecturer on the MA in Arts Administration & Cultural Policy, Institute of Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship at Goldsmiths, University of London.
- From July 2013 to January 2015 he also convened the MA in Writing for Performance and Dramaturgy for the Theatre and Performance Department at Goldsmiths.
Academic qualifications
- BA Hons English & American Literature with Drama, UEA, 1983
- Postgraduate diploma in Theatre Directing, Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, 1989.
Professional bodies/affiliations
- Fellow, Royal Society of the Arts (FRSA)
- Member, International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts (IETM).