Dr Chuang Wen

0118 378 5659
Associate Professor
137Building location
Chancellor's buildingAreas of interest
Smart Cities
Built Environment
Low-carbon energy systems
Sustainable mobility
Intelligent computing
Postgraduate supervision
Chenjue Wang: Data-driven heat pumps
Sreeja Roy: Exploring user behaviour and preferences for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles for sustainable mobility
Xiaoxi Guo: Designing a net-zero energy building with solar PVs: A feasibility study
Lei Hong: Optimising indoor air quality in naturally ventilated rooms using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
Ahmad Marwan Abdullah Faouri: Life cycle assessment of solar panel recycling technologies for sustainability
CEITHT: Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
CE1DPR: Design Project 1: Healthy Buildings
CE2DPR: Design Project 2: Sustainable Buildings
Research centres and groups
Research projects
MicroPHE: Flow boiling of zeotropic mixtures in plate heat exchanger with microstructure-enhanced surfaces, PI
Dr Chuang Wen is an Associate Professor at the University of Reading, renowned for his expertise in addressing climate challenges through innovative solutions in low-carbon energy systems and the built environment. His research interests include Clean Energies, Smart Cities, Built Environment, Sustainable and Intelligent Mobility, and more. Through his work, he strives to create a positive impact by fostering cleaner and more efficient energy practices, developing intelligent urban spaces, and promoting sustainable transportation solutions.
As an accomplished academic, Dr Wen brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to his role at the University of Reading. His dedication to exploring cutting-edge advancements in sustainable technologies and his commitment to education and research make him a valuable asset to both his students and the academic community. Dr Wen's passion for tackling climate challenges and his expertise in low-carbon energy systems and the built environment positions him at the forefront of the drive towards a greener and more sustainable future.
Academic qualifications
PhD, 2014, Joint PhD degree from China University of Petroleum and CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia)
BEng, 2007, China University of Petroleum
Professional bodies/affiliations
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)