Professor Julia Waters

French Year Abroad Co-ordinator
Miller 114Building location
Miller buildingAreas of interest
I have particular research interests in: twentieth-century and contemporary French & Francophone literature, Francophone literatures of the Indian Ocean, especially Mauritius; women’s writing in French, especially Marguerite Duras and Ananda Devi; feminist & postcolonial theory.
My latest monograph, The Mauritian Novel: Fictions of Belonging, was published in December 2018 with Liverpool University Press and is available in Open Access format:
My book, Duras and Indochina: Postcolonial Perspectives (Liverpool: SFPS Critical Studies, 2006) is now available in digital form here:
Postgraduate supervision
I am happy to supervise PhD theses on any of the areas of interest outlined above or related areas.
Current supervisions:
- Amel Ghenam (Department of English Literature): Aesthetics of Afrofuturism and dynamics of Subversion/Reconstruction in Contemporary Black feminist speculative Fiction.
Completed supervisions:
- Maria Tomlinson (Department of Languages and Cultures): The Female Fertility Cycle in Cross-Cultural Perspective: Representations of Menstruation, Childbirth, and the Menopause in Contemporary Women's Writing in French (2018).
My main teaching interests are modern and contemporary French and Francophone literature and cinema, women's writing, and translation.
At Part 1, I teach on the Introduction to French Culture module (FR1IFC), the Greats of European Cinema module (ML1GEC) and teach French language (FR1L3).
At Part 2, I teach translation between French and English (FR2L4) and the module FR2GFLS, Global French Life Stories .
At Part 3, I teach and convene FR3FC, The French Caribbean: Language, Literature and Identity and contribute to ML3CW Cinemas of the World.
Professional bodies/affiliations
President of the Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies -
General Editor, Francophone Postcolonial Studies series, Liverpool University Press -
I am on the Editorial Board of Les Cahiers Marguerite Duras; and of Recherches Francophones: Revue de l'Association internationale d'étude des littératures et des cultures de l'espace francophone (AIELCEF).
I am a member of Le Conseil International des Études Francophones; The Society for French Studies; la Société Internationale Marguerite Duras; the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France (ASMCF); the Association of University Professors and Heads of French (AUPHF); and The Centre for Contemporary Women's Writing.