Clare Lewis

Areas of interest
- Coastal management
- Oceanography
- Environmental impact assessment
Research centres and groups
Research projects
Meteotsunamis in a changing climate: the future of coastal vulnerability and resilience
The project aims to consider the awareness, understanding and subsequent mitigation of meteotsunami events in a changing climate by defining its mechanisms, impacts and whether coastal communities are at a greater risk of vulnerability from inadequate coastal management strategies (with specific reference to the south west UK).
The key objectives of the project are to:
- identify the favourable climatic conditions and dominant mechanisms for the generation and propagation of meteotsunamis around the world
- with reference to the south west UK, identify if meteotsunami events will become more frequent and intense in the future due to a changing climate and why
- again, with reference to the south west UK, identify the threats and impacts meteotsunamis pose to people, place and environment. Investigate the effectiveness of current coastal management strategies and their ability to meet the challenge of coastal vulnerability and resilience in the future.
- Professor Hannah Cloke (University of Reading)
- Dr Tim Smyth (Plymouth Marine Laboratory)
- Dr Jess Neumann (University of Reading)
I hold a BSc in Geography & Environmental Science from the University of Worcester and an MSc (with commendation) in Coastal Zone Management from Ulster University. My MSc dissertation studied environmental impact assessment and coastal zone management at an ecologically sensitive heritage tourism site within the UK.
I have several years previous experience of working with habitat and wildlife trusts and local councils prior to commencing my PhD.