Peter Sweby

+44 (0) 118 378 8675
Associate Professor
- Acting Head of Department
- Departmental Examinations Officer
- MMath Project Coordinator
- Departmental Finance Officer
- Departmental IT facilities
- Departmental Director of Infrastructure and Support Staff
- Internal Examiner
Room 301Building location
MathematicsAreas of interest
- Total variation diminishing (TVD) schemes
- Numerical solution of hyperbolic conservation laws
- Dynamics of discretisations
- Grid generation and adaptation
- Mathematical biology
Research centres and groups
Academic qualifications
B.Sc. Mathematics Hons (1st), Bristol University, July 1979
PhD University of Reading, July 1983
Professional bodies/affiliations
Member of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (MIMA)
Chartered Mathematician (CMath)
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)