Chris Daw

+44 (0) 118 378 5352
Associate Professor
- Research Division Lead
- LMS Correspondent
Room 106Building location
MathematicsAreas of interest
- Arithmetic geometry
- Number theory
- Model theory
- Ergodic theory
- Algebraic groups
- Unlikely intersections in Shimura varieties
Current teaching (2024/25):
Research centres and groups
Number TheoryResearch projects
My research focuses on certain mathematical objects known as Shimura varieties. Shimura varieties arise in many guises, but they may be most familiar as the parameter spaces of abelian varieties. Abelian varieties are central objects in number theory — the simplest abelian varieties, known as elliptic curves, are now at the heart of modern cryptography. For this reason, and others, questions regarding the geometry of Shimura varieties can inspire and illuminate many questions in number theory and beyond.
2014 - 2016 Hodge Fellow, Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques
2016 - 2017 EPSRC Postdoctoral Research Assistant, University of Oxford
2016 - 2017 Junior Research Fellow, Linacre College, Oxford
2017 - 2018 Academic Visitor, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
2018 - Visiting Research Fellow, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
Academic qualifications
MSci Mathematics, University College London (2010)
PhD Mathematics, University College London (2014)
Professional bodies/affiliations
Member, London Mathematical Society