Information for Staff
Summer Exams 2023
There is a dedicated page for Exams and Assessment in 2023 on Essentials and can be found here: Exams | University of Reading
This includes information about both online exams and in-person exams.
The Examinations and Assessment Handbook
Exceptional circumstances procedures: information for staff
Visit the exceptional circumstances procedures: information for staff page to find out more.
Assessment Info on RISIS
This document explains the different occurrences, assessment types and sequence numbers that the Exams Office use to manage assessments and timetable exams on RISIS. It should be used in conjunction with the 3A process, or for quick reference:
Occurrences, Sequence Numbers & Assessment Types - (PDF - 217Kb)
External examiners of Taught Programmes
Visit the page on external examiners for information about their roles, nomination and appointment.
Examinations for Research Degrees
Examinations for Research Degrees are now administered by the Doctoral and Researcher College:
Examinations for research degrees
Template for taking minutes of Programme Examiners' Meetings
It is a University requirement that minutes are kept of Programme Examiners' Meetings. The template below offers guidance on the minimum information which should be included in Minutes of Programme Examiners' Meetings:
Template for the Minutes of a Programme Examiners' Meeting (PDF - 115Kb)
Timetabling Requests
If you have any requests for modules which must be synchronised or scheduled for a particular slot in the examination timetable, it is important that you notify us as early as possible. Timetabling for the summer exam period begins in late January each year.
We do our best to accommodate all requests, but sometimes conflicting demands and timetable constraints mean we cannot meet everyone's requirements and therefore we can offer no guarantees.
The finalised summer exam timetable will be published in late March/early April. The resit timetable will be published in early August.
If you have any timetabling requests for the Summer exam period, please email before 20 January.
If you have any timetabling requests for the August resit exam period, please email before 14 July.
Contact Us
Email: -
- Telephone:
- Exams
0118 378 5522 - Graduation
- 0118 378 5596/6689
- Visit us:
Room G30, JJ Thomson Building, Whiteknights Campus