Retrospective allowance
Retrospective allowance in examinations and assessment for students diagnosed with a disability during their programme of study
To comply with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 (SENDA), the University must take steps to ensure that students with disabilities are not discriminated against in a number of specified areas, including in examinations and assessment. In consequence, the University is required to make reasonable adjustment to ensure that students with disabilities are not placed at a substantial disadvantage in comparison to other students for a reason relating to their disability.
If a student is diagnosed with a disability during their programme of study, and reasonable adjustment is made following diagnosis to ensure that the student is not disadvantaged for the remainder of their course, then the University should also ensure that, where the student's disability existed prior to diagnosis, reasonable adjustment is made retrospectively to work already completed. This is to guard against the student being disadvantaged overall when the final award for their programme is determined.
The full policy is available to download here:
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