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ModFOLDdock: quality estimates for protein quaternary structure models

About the server

The ModFOLDdock server provides:

  1. Leading-edge estimates of model accuracy for quaternary structures of proteins.
  2. Global assembly and interface quality scores, plus local per-residue interface scores
  3. Interactive 3D views of multimeric assemblies ranked by predicted model quality, which can be coloured by chain ID or interface accuracy.
  4. Machine-readable data downloads.

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You are only permitted to have 1 job running at a time for each IP address, so please wait until your previous job completes before submitting further data. If you already have a job running then you will be notified and your uploaded data will be deleted. Once your job has completed your IP address will be unlocked and you will be able to submit new data.

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The ModFOLDdock method is described in this paper:
  • Edmunds, N. S., Alharbi, S. M. A., Genc, A. G., Adiyaman, R. and McGuffin, L. J. (2023) Estimation of Model Accuracy in CASP15 Using the ModFOLDdock Server. Proteins, Epub ahead of print. DOI PubMed
The ModFOLDdock server is described in this paper:
  • McGuffin, L. J., Edmunds N. S., Genc, A. G., Alharbi, S. M. A., Salehe, B. R. and Adiyaman, R. (2023) Prediction of protein structures, functions and interactions using the IntFOLD7, MultiFOLD and ModFOLDdock servers. Nucleic Acids Research. gkad297. DOI PubMed

Docker package

The Docker package for MultiFOLD, MultiFOLD_refine and ModFOLDdock is available here:

Predicted assembly quality scores versus oligo-lDDT scores for homomeric CASP15 targets

Example of the desktop view of the ModFOLDdock results page for CASP target H1106

Example of the mobile (portrait) view of the ModFOLDdock results page for CASP target H1106

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