Vesna Stojanovik

+44 (0) 118 378 7456
- Professor of Clinical Linguistics
- Director for Teaching and Learning for Clinical Programmes
Areas of interest
- Language and communication development in individuals with genetic disorders, such as Down syndrome and Williams syndrome
- early intervention for infants with Down syndrome; artificial grammar learning
The discovery that individuals with genetic disorders, such as William syndrome, have different processing strategies (so although they may have achieved the same score on a task just as typical individuals, they achieve this using a different strategy); the fact that early intervention may improve the longer term language outcomes of infants with Down syndrome
- PLMFG (Foundations of Grammar)
- PLMLAC Linguistic Assessment Clinic
- PL3CLC Clinical Assessments of Language in Children
- PL3(M)LDG Language in Genetic Disorders
Research centres and groups
- Language and Cognition
- Child Development Group
- Lifespan Development
Academic qualifications
- BA in English Language and Literature with French Language and Literature, University Ss Cyril and Methodius,
- MA in Linguistics and English Language Teaching, University of Leeds
- PhD in Human Communication Science, University of Sheffield