Jo Billington

+(44) 0 118 378 5578
Student Training and Support:
MSc Theory and Practice in Clinical Psychology placement supervisor
Autism acceptance and understanding
Neurodiversity-affirming professional practice
Areas of interest
My research focuses on the lived experience of autistic children in mainstream primary schools. My work is rooted in the neurodiversity paradigm and I use various qualitative and arts-based methods to involve autistic children with a range of abilities and communication preferences in research. I am particularly interested in autistic thriving and am currently setting up a Wellbeing Hub with the Centre for Autism with the aim of supporting autistic children and their families to explore what thriving means to them.Research centres and groups
- Phemonenology in Health and Relationships (Aston University)
- Group for Research in Relationships and Neurodiversity (UCL)
Academic qualifications
- BA Applied Linguistic
- PhD Psychology