Amanda Branson

+44 (0) 118 378 8851
Associate Professor
- Module Convenor: Psychology at Work (PY1PAW), Professional Placement (PY2PRP), Motivation and Performance in Organisations (PY3MPO), Public Engagement (PY3PE), Individual and Team Development (PYMITD)
- Part 3 Tutor
- Placement Tutor for year-long Professional Placement
- PhD Monitor
Areas of interest
My areas of interest are broadly speaking in the field of occupational psychology.
Specifically I am interested in training and development, including the dissemination of evidence-based training, transfer of training and barriers to learning. I am also interested in motivation and performance in the workplace, including the influence of job design.
- Part 1 Psychology at Work (PY1PAW), Skills in Psychology (PY1SK)
- Part 2 Careers (PY2CP), Psychometrics (PY2CP), Cognition (PY2CN)
- Part 3 Motivation and Performance in Organisations (PY3MPO), Public Engagement (PY3PE), Contemporary & Historical Issues (PY3CHI).
- Individual and Team Development (PYMITD).
Academic qualifications
- PhD, Psychology, UoR
- MSc Occupational Psychology, Birkbeck College
- BSc Psychology, UoR
- Level A&B Certificate in Occupational Testing (BPS)
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA).