Postgraduates & visiting scholars
We are always interested in hearing from potential postgraduates (full time or part time) who are independent thinkers, lively, committed, and interested in issues relating to the project.
PhD programme
The Law School and the project offer excellent opportunities for PhD studies. Prospective applicants should contact Dr McNamara providing a draft research proposal and CV. See below for scholarship information.
Master of Research
The School has M Res (Law) and M Res (Law & Society) programmes which are ideally suited to candidates interested in the areas covered by the project. They provide research training and advanced study in law and social sciences. See below for scholarship information.
Scholarships for PhD and Masters students
For PhD Scholarship information, see .
For Masters Scholarship information, see
Visiting Scholars
The LTRK programme has occasional opportunities for academics or others working in the area to be visiting scholars as research associates of the programme. We cannot fund visitors' travel, accommodation, or the like. However, we can provide library facilities and sometimes desk space. Visitors are expected to contribute to the programme, the School or the University in some way, usually by presenting a guest lecture or seminar. Visitors from the UK and abroad are welcome. Expressions of interest may be directed to Dr Lawrence McNamara ( at least 3 months ahead of the proposed visit but 6 months notice or more is recommended. Emails should have the subject heading 'LTRK visiting scholar - expression of interest' and should indicate (1) your proposed research activities while a visitor (300-500 words); (2) how your work fits with the programme (100-200 words); (3) the proposed period of your visit; (4) your nationality and any residency or citizenship you have in the UK/EU; (5) a curriculum vitae should be attached.