Provision of Financial Information to HEFCE and HESA, and Other Funding Bodies
- Number: FIN/SLS/019
- Title: Provision of Financial Information to HEFCE, HESA, and Other Funding Bodies
- Version: 1.2
- Effective date: 1 August 2012
- Duration: This specification will run from the date set out above until amended by the Director of Finance and Corporate Services or nominated alternate.
- Review: This specification will be reviewed annually.
- Service level specification
i. Finance will ensure that the financial returns required by HEFCE:
- a. Financial Forecast (annually in July)
- b. Financial Statement (annually in December)
are accurate, complete and submitted on time.
ii. Finance will ensure that any ad-hoc requests from HEFCE and other funding bodies for financial bodies for financial information or consultations on financial issues are responded to effectively and by the due date.
- a. HESA Return - Annual
- b. TDA Return - Annual