Cash Flow Forecasting and Cash Management, Investments & Foreign Currency Accounts
- Number: FIN/SLS/002
- Title: Cash Flow Forecasting and Cash Management, Investments & Foreign Currency Accounts
- Version: 1.1
- Effective date: 1 August 2012
- Duration: This specification will run from the date set out above until amended by the Director of Finance and Corporate Services or nominated alternate.
- Review: This specification will be reviewed annually
- Service level specification:
i. Finance will provide cash flow forecasting to facilitate effective financial planning.
ii. Cash flow forecasts will be provided as follows:
- Weekly, on a daily basis for the next 8 weeks.
- Monthly, for a rolling 12 months and up to 31 July each year. These forecasts will be included in the monthly financial forecasts presented to the Senior Management Board and the Strategy and Finance Committee.
- Annually, for the following five years as a contribution to University planning and as part of the Financial Forecast to HEFCE.
iii. Where appropriate, cash flow forecasts will be provided for the University's wholly owned subsidiary companies.