Expense Claim Processing and Payment
- Number: FIN/SLS/007
- Title: Expense Claim Processing and Payment and Advanced Payments and Control
- Version: 2.0
- Effective date: 1 August 2012
- Duration: This specification will run from the date set out above until amended by the Director of Finance and Corporate Services or nominated alternate.
- Review: This specification will be reviewed annually.
- Service level specification
i. Members of staff are sometimes required to incur expenses on behalf of the University. The specification deals with the processing of expense advances and the processing and payment of expense claims.
ii. Properly completed and authorised advances ('red forms') will be processed within three working days of receipt within Finance. Advances will normally be credited to the member of staff's specified bank account by BACS transfer.
iii. In urgent cases payments can be made the same working day by CHAPS transfer.
iv. Properly completed and authorised expense claims ('green forms') will normally be processed within three days of receipt within Finance. Claims which are incorrect, or not correctly authorised, will be returned to the claimant for re-submission.
v. Expense claims will normally be paid into a member of staff's specified bank account by BACS transfer.