Lucy Bending

+44 (0) 118 378 7211
Areas of interest
My research interests have been in the literature of the 1890s, but I am increasingly interested in the poetry of the 1870s.
My primary research interest is the exploration of ideas of growth and development in the late Victorian period. I also have an interest in late nineteenth-century journals and in the writings of Harriet Martineau. I continue to have an interest in representations of bodily pain and in writings about the body in general.
Postgraduate supervision
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the area of late nineteenth-century English culture and literature.
Within the department I convene modules entitled:
- Romantics to Decadents: nineteenth-century poetry
- Decadence and Degeneration: literature of the 1890s
- Perspectives on Slavery
- War Poetry: from the Crimean to World War Two
I have also contributed to courses entitled:
- Lyric Voices: lyric poetry from 1340-1650
- Nineteenth-century novel
- Restoration to Romantics: eighteenth-century literature
- Women's Writing
- Languages of Literature
- What Kind of Text is This?
Selected publications
Recent publications reflect my interests and include:
- '"Fishing in a Strange Element": Harriet Martineau and the Visible World', in Francesca Orestano, ed., Strange Sisters: Literature and Aesthetics in the Nineteenth Century, Peter Lang, forthcoming.
- 'Falling over the Bannisters: Harriet Martineau and the Uneasy Escape from the Public', in Teresa Gomez, ed., Inside Out: Women Negotiating, Subverting, Appropriating Public and Private Space, Rodopi, forthcoming.
I have also published:
- The Representation of Bodily Pain in Late Nineteenth-Century English Culture, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000.