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Alana James

  • School Director of Academic Tutoring
  • School Director of Teaching and Learning.

Areas of interest

Social-development and educational psychology, particularly:

  • bullying
  • peer mentoring systems in schools and universities
  • student welfare and the transition into university
  • outreach with schools and colleges
  • parenting interventions.

Postgraduate supervision

Beatrice Hayes – Children's understanding of the risks associated with social networking site use: online self-disclosure and impact on children's social-emotional wellbeing.


  • Research methods
  • Developmental psychology.

Research centres and groups

Psychopathology and Affective Neuroscience

Academic qualifications

  • MA (Edinburgh)
  • MSc (York)
  • PhD (London)
  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Awards and honours

British Psychological Society Division of Academics, Researchers & Teachers in Psychology (BPS DARTP)/Oxford University Press (OUP) Higher Education Psychology Teacher of the Year 2019

Selected publications

Selected pedagogic and public engagement resources:


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