Dr Atta Naqvi

+44 (0) 118 378 4426
Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice
- Module convenor for Research Methods in Health Sciences (PMM1RM) and Research Skills (PM4PY2)
- Teaching MPharm Programme (including PM1PY1, PM2PY1, PM3PY1, PM3PY2, PM3PY3, PM4PY2 and PH0PHS)
Areas of interest
Dr Naqvi’s research interests have primarily focused on outcomes research as well as the role of pharmacists in healthcare services. He has conducted research that has explored and evaluated pharmacists’ role in patient care and health services. His research in this area specifically explores adherence, barriers to treatment, disease knowledge, attitudes and perceptions. In addition, his research is also centred around health and well-being of healthcare professionals, undergraduate students, and general public such as quality of life issues, etc. Dr Naqvi is also enthusiastic about creating and validating questionnaires for evaluating treatment outcomes of patients such as adherence to medication and rehabilitation as well as patient satisfaction. More recently, based on his experience of working in different geographical and cultural settings, Dr Naqvi is interested in researching cultural competence in pharmacy education as his new research area.
Dr Naqvi has collaborated with several researchers around the world with diverse research interests. His collaborators are spread across the world. He has experience of working with both quantitative and qualitative methods such as surveys and interviews, respectively. Collaborators and prospective PhD students can email Dr Naqvi directly with initial research proposals for further discussion.
Postgraduate supervision
Dr Naqvi supervises postgraduate students whose research topics include the roles of pharmacists in the NHS, medication adherence, mental health, and opioid medicines management. Prospective PhD students and early career researchers are encouraged to email Dr Naqvi directly with initial research proposals for further discussion.Background
Dr Naqvi is a lecturer in Pharmacy Practice at the Reading School of Pharmacy. He joined the School in January 2022. He obtained his Masters in Medicines Management at the University of Sunderland, UK. He completed his PhD degree in Pharmacy Practice from the University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia. After his PhD he obtained a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the School of Pharmacy, University of Waterloo in Canada. He also completed a Postgraduate certificate in Fundamentals of University Teaching, that further developed his teaching skills. He has an experience of 10 years in teaching in higher education and over 100 research publications. His publications have appeared in notable scientific peer reviewed journals such as the Lancet, JAMA, JACC, Plo One, Frontiers, etc.Awards and honours
Recipient of the ‘University Collaborative Award for Outstanding Contribution to Teaching and Learning’.Professional bodies/affiliations
- Member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy/Advance HE