Amelia Hollywood

+44 (0) 118 378 4940
Associate Professor in Health Services Research
- Module Convener for MPAS Year 1 Module
- Pharmacy Lead on the SCFP Research Ethics Committee
Areas of interest
Dr Hollywood's research interests have primarily focused on obesity by facilitating behaviour change and weight loss maintenance. She has conducted research that has focused on the medical management of obesity, specifically exploring pharmacological and surgical methods in terms of adherence, beliefs and behaviour. More recently Dr Hollywood has focussed more broadly on applied health research, with particular interest in patient-centred care and pain.
With a wide range of research interests; using both quantitative (e.g. health data and questionnaires) and qualitative methods (e.g. interviews and focus groups), collaborators and prospective PhD students can email Dr Hollywood directly with initial research proposals for further discussion.
Postgraduate supervision
Current PhD students:
- Abrar Alzouby. Bariatric surgery.
- Anisha Lad. Cancer clinical trials in the UK.
- Mohamed Obiedalla. Drug Shortages in the UK.
- Rachel Boyle. Emergency Department staff wellbeing.
- Ravina Barrett. Pharmaco-epidemiological methods in community pharmacy.
Past PhD students:
- Melika Kalantari (2023). The Experiences of People Living with Achalasia.
- Holly Baker (2022). Panic disorder in adolescents.
- Flavia Ghouri (2021). Behavioural insights into tackling antimicrobial resistance and urinary tract infections in pregnancy.
- Maryam Alkandari (2020). The Experiences of People Living with Peripheral Neuropathy in Kuwait.
Dr Hollywood delivers research-informed teaching primarily on the MPAS and Pharmacy programmes, but also teaches throughout the University including sessions at the Graduate School and Institute of Education. This expertise has also contributed to a Future Learn online course, Nutrition for Health and Sustainability, which is available to access for free here: centres and groups
Internal roles:
- Women@Reading Network Steering Group
- Pain Research Reading Steering Group
- Sport for Academic Purposes Network
External roles:
- Chair for the Standing Conference Scientific Committee, Division of Health Psychology, British Psychological Society
- Editorial Board Member, British Journal of Health Psychology
- External Examiner for the iBSc Psychology programme, Kings College London
- Honorary Research Fellow, Royal Berkshire Hospital
Research projects
Research Collaborations:
- Farhan Ahmad - Interventional Radiology - Royal Berkshire Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
- Liza Keating - Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine - Royal Berkshire Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
- Theingi Aung - Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism - Royal Berkshire Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
- Sarah Humphreys - Sports Park - University of Reading.
Dr Hollywood is a Health Psychologist within the School of Pharmacy at the University of Reading. She joined the University in June 2016 having previously worked as a Research Fellow at the University of Surrey and a Research Assistant at the IoPPN, Kings College London. Dr Hollywood completed a PhD on people's experiences of taking orlistat, an obesity medication, and has since conducted a range of research including that with students, academics and patients. She has completed two NIHR Research for Patient Benefit funded projects; one exploring a Bariatric Rehabilitation Service and the other exploring the impact of an investment based intervention on bariatric patients.
Professional bodies/affiliations
- Chartered Member and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society.
- Member of the British Psychological Society's Division of Health Psychology.
- Practitioner Psychologist and Health Psychologist, Health and Care Professions Council