Professor Paul Hadley

+44 (0) 118 378 8074
Areas of interest
- Environmental regulation of growth, development & yield of crop plants.
- Research on the effects of temperature & light on the growth & development of field grown & protected horticultural crops.
- Development of quantitative models to predict flowering of crop plants in relation to temperature & light. Prediction of maturity & yield of field & protected crops in relation to climate.
- Collaborative research on crop growth & development in relation to global climate change.
- Research on cocoa (Theobroma cacao) with research links in Malaysia, Brazil & Trinidad. Provision of cocoa germplasm for improvement programmes, worldwide.
- Development of the international cocoa germplasm database.
- Collaborative research on the growth of crops in response to greenhouse energy saving techniques.
- Collaborative research on the development of novel cladding materials for greenhouses with the departments of Chemistry & Engineering.
- Horticultural crop physiology
- Vegetable production
- Controlled environment technology
- Protected vegetable production
- Tropical horticulture
- Environmental physiology of cocoa
- Organic & sustainable horticulture
Research centres and groups
- Horticulture Research International
- Cocoa Research Unit, University of West Indies, Trinidad
- Malaysian Cocoa Board
Research projects
Current Research Projects:
- Cocoa quarantine project
- Investigating the use of modified atmosphere packaging to extend flower vase life
- International Cocoa Germplasm Database
- Efficient use of lighting in bedding plant production
- Multiplication and distribution of cocoa germplasm
- Information exchange
Selected publications
Pre 2003
Cryer, N.C., Kolesnikova-Allen, M., Zhang, D., Athanson, B., Opoku, S., Aikpokpodion, P., Efombagn, B.M., Adu-Ampomah, Y., Nelson, S., Gilmour, M., Hadley, P., Wilkinson, M.J. and Lockwood, R. Verification of identity of breeding material in South East Asia and West Africa. In: Proceedings of the Malaysian International Cocoa Conference, 18-19 July, 2005.
Fletcher, J.M., Tatsiopoulou, A., Davis, F.J., Henbest, R.G.C. and Hadley, P. Growth, yield and development of strawberry cv 'Elsanta' under novel photoselective film clad greenhouses. Acta Horticulturae, Proceedings of the XXVIth International Congress and Exhibition, Ontario, Canada (in press), 2003.
Bisgrove, R.J. and Hadley, P. Gardening in the Global Greenhouse: The Impacts of Climate Change on Gardens in the UK. Technical Report. UKCIP, Oxford, 2002, 140 pp.
Daymond, A.J., Hadley, P., Machado, R.C.R. and Ng, E. Genetic variability in partitioning to the yield component of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.). HortScience, 37, 2002, 799-801.
Daymond, A.J., Hadley, P., Machado, R.C.R. and Ng, E. Canopy characteristics of contrasting clones of cacao (Theobroma cacao). Experimental Agriculture, 38, 2002, 359-367.
de Camacaro, M.E.P, Camacaro, G.J., Hadley, P., Battey, N.H. and Carew, J.G. Pattern of growth and development of the strawberry cultivars Elsanta, Bolero, and Everest. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 127 (6), 2002, 901-907.
Adams, S.R., Pearson, S. and Hadley, P. Improving quantitative flowering models through a better understanding of the phases of photoperiod sensitivity. J. Exp. Bot., 52, (357), 2001, 655-662.
Carew, J.G., Mahmood, K., Darby, J., Hadley, P. and Battey, N.H. The effects of low temperatures on the vegetative growth and flowering of the primocane fruiting raspberry 'Autumn Bliss'. J. Hort. Sci. Biotechnol., 76, 2001, 264-270.
Batts, G. R., Ellis, R. H., Morison, J. I. L. & Hadley, P. Canopy development and tillering of field-grown crops of two contrasting cultivars of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) in response to CO2 and temperature. Annals of Applied Biology, 133, 2000, 101-109.
Mahmood, K., Carew, J. G., Hadley, P. & Battey, N. H. The effect of chilling and post-chilling temperatures on growth and flowering of sweet cherry (Prunus anium L.). Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 75, 2000, 598-601.
Adams, S. R., Hadley, P. & Pearson, S. The Effects of Temperature, Photoperiod, and Photosynthetic Photon Flux on the Time to Flowering of Petunia 'Express Blush Pink'. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 123, 1998, 577-580.
Adams, S. R., Pearson, S. & Hadley, P. An appraisal of the use of reciprocal transfer experiments: assessing the stages of photoperiod sensitivity in chrysanthemum cv. Snowdon (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.). Journal of Experimental Botany, 49, 1998, 1405-1411.
Le Miere, P., Hadley, P., Darby, J. & Battey, N.H. The effect of thermal environment, planting date and crown size on growth, development and yield of Fragaria x ananassa Duch. cv. Elsanta. Journal of Horticultural Science & Technology, 73, 1998, 786-795
van Haeringen, C. J., West, J. S., Davis, F. J., Gilbert, A., Hadley, P., Pearson, S., Wheldon, A. E. & Henbest, R. G. C. The Growth of Solid Spectral Filters for the Regulation of Plant Growth. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 67, 1998, 407-413.