Doukissa Kamini
Lecturer in Classics
Lecturer in ClassicsOffice
EM G30aAreas of interest
Ancient Greek Language and Literature, Literary and Textual Criticism, Literary Linguistics, Literary and Political TheoryPostgraduate supervision
I have supervised BA and MA
dissertations in ancient Greek literature and language covering topics from the
role of literary genre in the formation of literary characters and feminist
readings of ancient Greek Epic and Drama to literary linguistics and the
history of Greek language and its development in Archaic and Classical Greek literature.
I am interested in supervising projects on ancient Greek language and
literature, applied literary theory, literary linguistics, and political
approaches to ancient Greek literature especially in the Archaic and Classical
Greek periods.
I am a Lecturer in Classics teaching
modules on ancient Greek language and literature. I am also the Department
Director of Academic Tutoring. I received a BA in Classics and an MPhil in
Ancient Greek Philology from the University of Athens before moving to the
Department of Classics at the University of Reading from which I was awarded a
PhD in Classics with a thesis on the politics of language and metapoetics in
the story of Orestes in ancient Greek literature. My research covers the
intersection among linguistic, literary and political aspects of ancient Greek Epic
and Drama, and my research interests revolve around the ancient Greek language
and literature, textual and literary criticism, literary linguistics, literary
theory, and political theory.
Academic qualifications
BA, MPhil, PhDAwards and honours
Teaching Excellence Award for Humanities 2024
Various grants for the organisation of conferences and the
development of research projects from the ICS and CA from 2018 to present
Professional bodies/affiliations
University of Athens, Institute of Classical Studies in LondonSelected publications
Kamini, D. 2019. ‘From a Mythical Exemplum
to a Heroic Cult: Orestes as a Representative of Power Play, (Re-)establishment
of Political Authority and Expansionism’. New Classicists 3: 30-46.
Kamini, D. 2017. ‘Η συμβολή της στησιχόρειας Ορέστειας στη
διαμόρφωση του μύθου του Ορέστη’. In: T. Andrianakis, M. Boltsi,
G. Ferentinou, and D. Kamini. Eds. Proceedings
of the 8th Athens Postgraduate Conference (Athens, July 2015).
Vol. 3. Athens: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 40-48.
Kamini, D. 2015. ‘The Contribution of the
Law of epikleros to the Comic Effect of Phormio’. In: J.
Nagyillés, A. Hajdú, G. Gellérfi, A. H. Baroody, and S. Baroody. Eds. Sapiens
Ubique Civis: Proceedings of International Conference on Classical Studies (Szeged,
Hungary, 2013). Budapest: ELTE Eötvös József Collegium, 67-77.