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Learning Spanish

Access Languages

Support website for Access textbooks. It also offers French, German and Italian.

Learn Spanish Online

Curso de Español Spanish course  contains grammar and audiovisuals. It has exercises: nivel 1, on-line general exercises; nivel 2 gap filling exercises; nivel 3 listening comprehension, poems, short stories and songs.

Business Spanish

This is a course for Business Spanish is a course for complete beginners, and includes audios and reading comprehension. The vocabulary section is divided according to topic, and Travel Spanish has useful information for those travelling to Spanish-speaking countries. Audio visual


This website had  a wealth of audio materials with exercises. You can choose according to topic and level of difficulty.

General Reference

Asi Hablamos

Dictionary online where you can find the different meanings that some words have in the different Hispanic countries. This is very useful for intermediate to advanced levels as all the explanations are in Spanish.

For dictionaries and translation into various languages, visit BabLa.


Online verb conjugator in various languages.

The Dialectoteca del Español is an innovative way to experience the diversity of Spanish pronunciation. It is an audiovisual library, which uses speech samples from a wide variety of native speakers to document the most representative patterns in the pronunciation of modern spoken Spanish.

Spanish Media

Spanish TV

Visit rtve to watch TV news or some chapters of Spanish soaps

Visit the University of Texas site for cultural interviews with Latin American & Spanish Executives.

Professor Orland R. Kelm page (Texas University, Austin) with 200 short videos with interviews to native speakers of Spanish. The videos come with script in Spanish and English. Useful for all levels of Spanish even when topics are for Business Spanish.

Things to do now
Follow one of the links.  Choose a Spanish soap to watch on tv, or practise conjugating some verbs!