Practical Classes
The technical support available for the preparation, set up and demonstration of undergraduate and postgraduate taught practical classes
Services include...
Management of specialist areas (laboratories, classrooms, teaching workshops, Observatory, studios, glasshouses and theatres) where practical classes are delivered
Preparation of practical classes
- Consulting with academic on module content and technical demonstration level
- Developing new modules content (as required)
- Co-ordinating local timetabling with School staff and timetabling office, if required
- Trialling of changes to existing modules (as required)
- Writing risk assessments for technical preparation activities
- Placing orders for authorised equipment
- Ordering of consumables and student PPE (catalogue items and approved suppliers only)
- Pre-checking basic teaching equipment
- Creating / preparing of materials as defined in technical worksheets
- Transporting and layout of equipment and items
During practical classes
- Restocking items
- Troubleshooting equipment failures
- Clarifying items available or equipment configuration
- Demonstrating techniques
After practical classes
- Cleaning / decontamination of areas and equipment used, waste removal.
- Storing samples or post-class work as required.
Management of practical class areas
- Providing annual teaching equipment status report and informing when equipment is time served/beyond repair
- Performing /organising programmed maintenance, calibration, data collection and monitoring of defined teaching equipment
- Organising repair and maintenance by external engineers
What's not included
- Marking of student material
- Writing risk assessments for module content
- Maintaining time served equipment that is no longer supported by suppliers and service engineers
- Support at weekends
What we need from our service users
- For classes that run in the Autumn Term, 6 months' notice of technical resource requirements for new modules or significant changes to resource requirements to current modules (may result from changes in student numbers). 9 month's notice is required for classes that run in the Spring Term.
- Technical worksheet information provided to the Technical Manager 12 weeks before the start of the term
- Risk assessment for the development of a new or existing module provided to the Technical Manager 10 weeks before the start of term
- Suitable and sufficient risk assessments relating to each confirmed module provided to the Technical Manager 4 weeks before the start of term
- Fully functioning, fit for purpose, teaching equipment
- Adequate teaching supplies or due notice if orders need to be placed for such
- Two weeks' notice of any minor changes to current module content (except when relating to technical resource - see first bullet point)
- Access to account codes for ordering teaching items listed in the module technical worksheet
Contact us
+44 (0) 118 378 7069