The Stock Control & Receipt services we offer can be divided into two categories:
- The stock control and supply of commonly used laboratory and specialist materials for Schools from Chemistry Stores* and
- The receipt of external deliveries of laboratory and specialist supplies*
Services include...
Stock control and supply of commonly use laboratory and specialist materials for Schools from Chemistry Stores*
- Providing an on-campus source of commonly used laboratory supplies e.g. solvents, dry ice, reusable and disposable plastic ware, safety products such as personal protective equipment and other commonly used scientific supplies
- Providing training on the stores ordering and collection process (including requirements for dry ice and liquid nitrogen)
- Providing a counter service between the hours specified below
- Providing goods and services from approved University of Reading suppliers
- Providing an acknowledgement of a Stores orders placed within 24hrs
- Providing adequate stock levels for laboratory items that have a minimum of one issue per week
- Carrying out returns of laboratory reagents, speciality gases and consumables
- Co-ordinating contracts for speciality gases with School, Procurement and supplier
- Providing notification to customers in relation to planned down time of service at least one day in advance
Receipt of external deliveries of laboratory and specialist supplies
- Providing information on the receipt process
- Providing receipt of external supplier goods that have been ordered through School accounts office
- Notifying staff and students of receipt of goods within 8 working hours
- Storing goods under correct storage conditions
- Where possible, providing information regarding ordering of bespoke goods that fall within service remit
- Providing notification to customers in relation to planned down time of service at least one day in advance
What's NOT included
- Receipt of non-University related goods or those not placed using a University purchase card or through the School accounts office
- Supply of electrical/IT equipment
- Transportation service after receipt of goods
- Stock laboratory items that have less than a minimum issue of one per week
- External queries regarding orders generated between customer and external supplier
- Responsibility for poor performance of goods delivered from external suppliers
How will service be delivered?
- Stores ordering system via email or staff and students attending Stores counter
- Staff and students attending Stores counter to collect Stores goods and items receipted from external suppliers
When we are available
- Weekdays Monday to Friday 8:30 - 12:00, 13:00 - 15:30 excluding University closure days and bank holidays
What we need from our service users
- To provide accurate information regarding Stores order requirements
- To provide correct account codes
- To provide Stores orders in good time to allow completion within normal service hours
- To collect externally ordered goods promptly within 48 working hours once notified of delivery
- To inform Stores of large or unusual deliveries in advance and to ensure that these items are removed from the loading bay within 24 hours of delivery
- To provide licences/declarations where required e.g. duty free spirits, class A drugs
Contact us
- +44 (0) 118 378 7069