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Why Your Voice Matters

Why Your Voice Matters' is a collaborative project undertaken by researchers from Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust (RBFT) and the University of Reading (UoR). It's funded by the Collaborative Innovation Fund administered through the Health Innovation Partnership.


Through simulation-guided reflection, short workshops will lead participants to consider the impact of their and other's behaviours within a team. A range of strategies to promote and support speaking up will be reviewed and we aim for all attendees to feel emboldened to speak up and appreciate how important their own voice is in ensuring patient safety and improving patient experience.

The sessions are supportive and non-judgemental. Recognising the ever-present time pressure on NHS staff, we have carefully curated a time-efficient one-hour workshop, delivered face-to-face in a convenient location for the attending team.


We are interested in evaluating the impact of the workshop and to this end will approach attendees to provide feedback through an online survey. We will also interview those who are interested in offering more in-depth insight.


We found these resources helpful in guiding our own clinical practice and hope you do too.

If you have any questions about the project or the workshops, please email Dr. Dana Kelly at