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Campus Planning

Who we are:

David Wallace

Campus Planning Director

Elizabeth Evans

Head of Engagement Process & Systems

Michele Facer
Head of Space & Asset Management

What we do:

Campus Planning encompasses three distinct teams. Engagement, Processes and Systems (EPS), Space & Asset Management (SAM) and the Executive Support function.

Engagement Process & Systems:

The Engagement, Process and Systems team (EPS) is responsible for Customer Engagement, Business Processes, and Systems to deliver a robust and consistent approach to stakeholder engagement and operational and business processes across the Estates Directorate. These processes cover core business activities such as the operation of the CAFM system, helpdesk, financial control, P2P, reporting and campus services activities such as parking, lost property and visitor management. Our processes and systems are fundamental to the delivery of the Estate Strategy in that they make it possible for Estates to identify and then drive efficiency through our ways of working, our people, and our operations.

Space & Asset Management:

The Space & Asset Management team is responsible for managing property data, a responsibility it shares with Property Services and Land Management. This data is critical to our ability to proactively manage the estate in terms of what assets we have, how we are using them and how we should use them in future. The focus for the team is primarily buildings and the spaces inside them, particularly student facing spaces and the impact they have on student experience. They provide specialist advice and manage the policies and standards relating to space allocation, space use, and space design. They are responsible for the Space Action Plan – a strategic approach to managing space to support the Estate Strategy and the University’s aims against our forecast growth. In addition to the management of space, this team also look after internal and external wayfinding and signage.

Executive Support:

The Executive Support Team provides high quality professional administrative support to the Estates Leadership Team with a wide range of activities and responsibilities to ensure the smooth running of the directorate on a day to day basis. This includes complex and proactive diary management, extensive meeting and communications support, data reporting, monitoring initiatives, and sourcing information.


  • The Engagement, Process and Systems team is working with a project management team appointed by DTS to implement a new CAFM (Computer Aided Facilities Management) system called Concerto. For queries about customer engagement and project management, please contact the Head of Engagement, Process and Systems.
  • The Space & Asset Management Team is working to upgrade signage on campus. New external signage was introduced across campus in August 2024.