Other special arrangement requirements
(non SpLD)
Special arrangements don't just cover students who have a specific learning difficulty - you can receive support for a number of other circumstances. Find out more below.
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Special arrangements don't just cover students who have a specific learning difficulty - you can receive support for a number of other circumstances. Find out more below.
In the unfortunate event that you suffer unexpected medical or other problems immediately before or during your exams, please alert both your Academic Tutor and the Exams Office as soon as possible.
If you are still able to sit your examinations, we will try to make special arrangements so that your needs can be accommodated.
If you discover at the last minute that you are unable to sit an exam at a particular time, we may be able to arrange for you to sit the exam earlier or later than scheduled. However, it will not normally be possible to move the examination to a different day.
If you fall ill on the day of an exam, you should firstly seek medical help. If you recover sufficiently, we may be able to arrange for you to take the exam at a later time on the same day.
If your problem means that you are unable to attend your exam, or that your performance is badly affected, you should complete an Extenuating Circumstances Form as soon as you are well enough to do so and before the published deadline.
If you require special examination and assessment arrangements because of a disability other than dyslexia or dyspraxia, please contact the Disability Advisory Service to discuss your requirements as soon as possible after starting your studies at the University.
If special arrangements were made for previous exams you have taken (e.g. at school or college), then it is helpful if you can provide documentation giving details of the arrangements that were put in place.
The Disability Advisory Service will then liaise with the Examinations Office and your School Disability Representative to ensure that appropriate provision is made for your exams and assessments.
If you suffer from medical or other personal problems that mean you require special exam and/or assessment arrangements, please discuss these with the Disability Advisory Service as soon as possible.
These may include:
Please note that space is limited in our special examination centre(s) and we are only able to guarantee to accommodate students who have registered with the Disability Advisory Service before the deadline on Monday 11 February 2019.
If you are unable to sit exams on a particular day or during a particular period for religious reasons, you should contact the Exams Office as soon as possible after starting your studies at the University.
Provided that the examination timetable has not yet been produced, it may be possible for us to schedule your examinations to accommodate your religious observance. See our page on religion for more details.
Please note that you will be asked to provide evidence (usually in the form of a letter from your religious leader) to confirm that you are unable to sit examinations on a particular day/during a particular period.