- Patent taken out for the change of use of an antioxidant lysosomotropic drug that inhibits atherosclerosis to treat coronary heart disease, strokes and peripheral artery disease
- Advice on careers in biomedical sciences at Reading School Careers Conference
- Highly commended image in the British Heart Foundation annual image competition (featured on websites of the BBC, Independent, Guardian and Daily Mail)
David Leake

+44 (0) 118 378 7062
Management Committee of Institute for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research
Areas of interest
- Mechanisms of low density lipoprotein oxidation in atherosclerosis
- Use of novel lysosomotropic antioxidant drugs to treat atherosclerosis
- Atherogenic effects of low extracellular pH on cells found in atherosclerotic lesions
Postgraduate supervision
Study for a PhD with Professor David Leake
- Part 1: Pathology: Introduction to Human Disease; Biochemistry and Metabolism
- Part 2: Pharmacology (module convenor); Clinical Biochemistry (module convenor)
- Part 3: Cardiovascular Disease (module convenor); Medical Genetics
Research centres and groups
National Collaborators
- Prof. Peter Weinberg, Imperial College London
- Dr Grisha Pirianov, Anglia Ruskin University
- Prof Ronit Shiri-Sverdlov, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
- Dr Robin Poston, Queen Mary University of London
Awards and honours
Esteem Factors
- External Examiner for MRes in Biomedical Science at St George's University of London
- Selected as the 'Scientist of the week' by the Association for Eradication of Heart Attack, USA in July 2002 for 'pioneering work on the low pH of atherosclerotic lesions'.
- Prize for the best research paper of the year in the Faculty of Life Sciences of the University of Reading in 2009 (for research paper Wen, Y. & Leake, D.S. (2007) Circ. Res. 100, 1337-1343. Low density lipoprotein undergoes oxidation within lysosomes in cells)
Professional bodies/affiliations
- Funding from British Heart Foundation
Impact, enterprise and outreach