Dr Anna Macready

+44 (0) 118 378 6290
Associate Professor
- Agri-Food Economics and Marketing Teaching Forum Lead
- School Examinations Officer
Areas of interest
My research interests span relationships and interactions between people, food and the environment:
- Consumer behaviour: I am interested in the relationships between consumer trust, decision-making and food choice within the food system, its effects on consumption and drivers of behaviour change. What can we do to influence consumer behaviour in a positive, healthy and sustainable way?
- Agri-food sustainability, food poverty and food waste: I explore key challenges and opportunities in these areas to promote a more viable, sustainable and future-proof food system. What can be done to reduce the risk to people and planet, bring about a fair transition and improve our prospects whilst protecting and managing our resources?
- Food, nutrition and health: I am interested in the psychological and nutritional interactions between diet, cognition and wellbeing. What can be done to influence and foster nutritional health for current and future generations?
- Module convenor for ADMNBH Nudge, Motivation and Behaviour Change and AD3INP Independent Research Project (Dissertation)
- Supervisor for ADMICP Individual Capstone Project and AD3INP Independent Research Project (Dissertation)
Research projects
- EIT Food: Driving food waste reduction and sustainable food choices by scaling up the Bump Tag – Inform and increase consumer demand for circular economy benefits from food choices.
- UKRI: Transforming land use for net zero, nature and people (LUNZ) Hub - to mobilise and support research working in partnership with government and industry to tackle net zero through action in the UK land sectors.
- UKRI: AgriFood4NetZero Network+ (AFN+) – Year 1 Champion for Individual and Institutional Behaviour Change (Supply Chain and Demand) in the Agri-Food sector.
- UKRI: Raising the Pulse – Systems analysis of the environmental, nutritional and health benefits of pulse-enhanced foods.
- EIT Food: Consumer Observatory – Infrastructure umbrella programme combining consumer insights within a cross-functional initiative to curate and maximise consumer knowledge impact. Incorporating the Consumer TrustTracker®, a large-scale pan-European survey on consumer trust in the food system in 18 European countries.
- EU: Bringing knowledge and consensus to prevent and reduce FOod LOss at the primary production stage: Understanding, measuring, training and adopting (FOLOU).
- Previous projects include:
- EIT Food: Mission Programmes Co-Design - Mission Area 1: Healthier lives through Food
- EIT Food: Don't be a Food Waster - Social awareness for food waste reduction
- EU: Food4Me - Consumer acceptance of personalised nutrition dietary advice
- FSA: The Flavonoids University of Reading Study (FLAVURS)
Professional bodies/affiliations
- British Psychological Society
- Nutrition Society
- Association for Nutrition: Registered Nutritionist (Public Health)
- Visiting Lecturer, University of the Philippines Los Baños