Professor Richard Bennett

+44 (0) 118 378 6478
- Director of Enterprise
- Director of Economic and Social Sciences Division, School of Agriculture, Policy and Development
- Economic aspects of animal health, disease control and animal welfare
- Animal health and welfare policy
- Economic valuation methods
I undertake research and consultancy for a wide range of international and national public and commercial sponsors.
- Qualitative Research Methods (MSc course)
- Economic Aspects of the Food Supply Chain
- Business Management
- Agricultural and Rural Policy
Research projects
- Evaluation of the Broiler Regulation (Directive 2007/43/EC) in England and Wales
- Economic modelling and valuation of prevention of injurious pecking in laying hens (with Bristol University).
- Economic implications of the provision of open water in duck production.
- Economic aspects of biosecurity on suckler beef farms.
- Valuation of animal welfare benefits.
- Computer models of the costs and benefits of livestock disease control.
- ESRC Network on Human-Animal Interactions (with Exeter and Bristol Universities).
- Farmers' willingness to pay for a bTB vaccine.
- Influencing behaviours for the control of exotic livestock diseases.
- Economic framework for animal health and welfare policy.
- Animal welfare attributes and food quality.
- Economic valuation of badgers and TB in cattle.
Professional bodies/affiliations
- Member of Farm Animal Welfare Committee (since 2005) and Chair of the Standing Committee on Ethics, Economics, Education and Regulation.
- Chair of the UK Veterinary Development Council (since 2010).
- Trustee and Council Member of the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare.
- Trustee of the Humane Slaughter Association.
- Trustee of the Farm Animal Welfare Trust.
- Member of the England Implementation Group of the Animal Health and Welfare Strategy (2005-2009)