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Archaeology Geography and Environmental Sciences

Modules for 2024/25

Module code Module name Semesters taught ECTS
AR3P20 Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Britain Semester 2 10
AR3S20 The Archaeology and Anthropology of Food Semester 1 10
ARMM02 Viking Interactions in the West Semester 2 10
ARMT02 Themes and Approaches in the Study of Mesopotamia Semester 2 10
AR1EMP Early Empires: Mesopotamia, Egypt & Rome Semester 1 10
AR1FOR Forensic Anthropology and the Archaeology of Death Semester 2 10
AR1RAT Revolutions and Transitions: The Human Journey from 6 Million Years Ago to the Present Day Semester 1 10
AR1SOC Contemporary world cultures: an introduction to social anthropology Semester 2 10
AR2AOB Ancient Objects: Materials and Meanings Semester 1 10
AR2CSA Forensic Archaeology and Crime Scene Analysis Semester 2 10
AR2M8 Medieval Europe: power, religion and death Semester 1 10
AR2P14 Prehistoric Europe: the first million years Semester 1 10
AR2R9 Celts and Romans: Northern Europe and Britain Semester 2 10
AR2SCF2 Changing the Face of the Earth: Past, Present and Future Sustainability Semester 2 10
AR2TAH Archaeology and heritage: past, present and future Semester 1 10
AR3F1 Post-Excavation: assessment, analysis & publication in the profession Semester 2 10
AR3HCP The Anthropology of Heritage and Cultural Property Semester 1 10
AR3M14 Living in Medieval Towns Semester 1 10
AR3P13 Emergence of Civilisation in Mesopotamia Semester 2 10
AR3R12 Objects and Identities in the Roman Empire Semester 1 10
AR3R13 The archaeology and anthropology of money Semester 2 10
ARMGRA Archaeological Graphics Semester 2 10
ARMNBA Interpreting the Neolithic and Bronze Age in Britain Semester 2 10
ARMR27 Material Culture and Identities in the Roman Empire Semester 1 10
ARMTCA Theoretical Approaches and Contemporary Challenges in Archaeology Semester 1 10
ARMUMA Becoming Urban in the Middle Ages Semester 1 10
GV1AHG Approaching Human Geography Semester 2 10
GV1DEN Data Environment Semester 2 10
GV1EL Earth Lab Semester 2 10
GV1GC Global Challenges: a Planet in Crisis Semester 1 10
GV1GIM Geographical Imaginaries Semester 2 10
GV1LAR Landscapes and Natural Resources Semester 2 10
GV1RES Restless Planet Semester 2 10
GV1SOC Contemporary world cultures: an introduction to social anthropology Semester 2 10
GV2ATA Analysing Social Data: Techniques and Applications Semesters 1 and 2 10
GV2CEC Climate and Environmental Change Semester 2 10
GV2DEV Environment and Development Semester 1 10
GV2ED Environmental Diagnostics Semester 1 10
GV2EGR Energy Resources Semester 1 10
GV2EPG Encountering Political Geographies Semester 2 10
GV2EPH Earth Processes and Hazards Semester 1 10
GV2GEO Geographical Information Systems Semesters 1 and 2 10
GV2MEA Monitoring the Earth from Above Semesters 1 and 2 10
GV2SCG Living Together: Social and Cultural Geographies Semester 2 10
GV2WES Water in the Earth System Semester 2 10
GV317 Carbon and Global Change Semester 2 10
GV362 Water Resources Semester 2 10
GV3AND Climate, Environment and Ancient Civilisations of the Andes Semester 2 10
GV3CCR Climate Change and the Geographies of Responsibility Semester 2 10
GV3CEM Coastal and Estuarine Management Semester 2 10
GV3CLC Climate Change Semester 2 10
GV3CPS Consumption, Politics and Space Semester 1 10
GV3CSR Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Putting Theory into Practice Semester 2 10
GV3DCS Disasters, Climate and Society Semester 1 10
GV3DDT Deathscapes and Dark Tourism Semester 2 10
GV3ESM Ecosystems Modelling Semester 1 10
GV3HCP The Anthropology of Heritage and Cultural Property Semester 1 10
GV3JLD Global Justice, Labour and Development Semester 2 10
GV3PFF Preparing For Floods Semester 2 10
GV3POL Environmental Pollution Semester 1 10
GV3RC Remote control Semester 2 10
GV3SEES Soil Ecology, Environment and Sustainability Semester 1 10
GV3TRC Tropical Rainforests, Climate and Lost Civilisations Semester 2 10
GV3VOL Volcanic Hazards and Risk Management Semester 1 10
GVMCLC Climate Change Semester 2 10
GVMENVC Environmental Consultancy Semester 2 10
GVMEWM Environmental and Waste Management Semester 1 10
GVMPOL Environmental Pollution Semester 1 10
GVMSES Soil Ecology, Environment and Sustainability Semester 1 10
GVMSILR Skills for Independent Learning and Research Semesters 1 and 2 10
MC1PTP Presenting the Past: An Introduction to Museum Studies Semester 2 10
MC2CCM Curatorship and Collections Management Semester 2 10
MC2LE Museum Learning and Engagement Semester 1 10