
Dr David Jukes, The University of Reading, UK

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Food Law News - UK - 2022

DEFRA News Story, 20 January 2022

GMOs - New powers granted to research gene editing in plants

Simplified gene editing rules make it easier for researchers to develop more nutritious and resilient crops, which require fewer pesticides.

New legislation will be put in place to cut unnecessary red tape for gene editing, helping our farmers to grow more resistant, nutritious and productive crops.

The rule changes, made possible by the UK’s departure from the EU, will mean that scientists across England will be able to undertake plant-based research and development, using genetic technologies such as gene editing, more easily.

The rules will apply to plants where gene editing is used to create new varieties similar to those which could have been produced more slowly through traditional breeding processes and will unlock research opportunities to grow crops which are more nutritious, and which require less pesticide use.

Outside the EU, the UK is able to cut red tape and set better rules and regulations that work in the best interests of British farmers and scientists. The legislation being laid today is the first step towards adopting a more scientific and proportionate approach to the regulation of genetic technologies, which will allow us to further unlock innovation using these technologies.

Harnessing the genetic resources that nature has provided through genetic technologies will create new opportunities for farmers to grow more resilient crops. This will support the development of new and innovative ways to protect the environment, such as significantly reducing, or eliminating the use of pesticides and herbicides – protecting pollinators. Another potential benefit includes making crops more resistant to adverse weather and climate change.

Minister for Agri-Innovation and Climate Adaptation Jo Churchill said:

"New genetic technologies could help us tackle some of the biggest challenges of our age – around food security, climate change and biodiversity loss.

"Now we have the freedom and opportunity to foster innovation, to improve the environment and help us grow plants that are stronger and more resilient to climate change. I am grateful to the farming and environmental groups that have helped us shape our approach, and I look forward to seeing what we can achieve."

All scientists undertaking research with genetic technologies will have to continue to notify Defra of any research trials. For now, gene edited plants will still be classified as genetically modified organisms and commercial cultivation of these plants, and any food products derived from them, will still need to be authorised in accordance with existing rules.

The legislation follows the launch of the Government’s response to the gene editing consultation last year. The government will never compromise high safety, environmental and welfare standards, and the new rules do not mean that environmental or research standards will be lowered.

Note: The News Story continues with additional information. To read the rest of the item, see:

A copy of the Draft Regulations can be seen on the LegislationUK site:

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