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Linking Teaching and Research at the Discipline Level

Having examples to follow, or cautionary tales to take heed from, is always helpful when developing new practices in Learning and Teaching. Collectively it is hoped that this CETL and others in the Learning Through Enquiry Alliance will provide a good range of case-studies across many disciplines upon which colleagues can draw.

Another resource pointing to some of these and many more case-studies is Jenkins et al. (2007). This volume is aimed at discipline-based staff who wish to connect their teaching and research roles; those with leadership roles for teaching and for research in departments and intuitions, and for educational developers.

The central arguments in the book are that:

  • the 'teaching-research nexus' is central to higher education
  • student intellectual development and staff identity can and should be developed by departments focusing on the 'nexus'
  • effective teaching-research links are not automatic and have to be constructed
  • there are important disciplinary variations in teaching-research relations that need to be valued
  • academic departments are central to developing the links between research in the discipline and student learning
  • a central way to develop effective practice is to share case studies of discipline-based practice and department policies.

Suggestions are offered as to how disciplinary communities and departments can strengthen the good practice that already exists.

Key Publication:

Alan Jenkins, Mick Healey and Roger Zetter. Linking Teaching and Research in Disciplines and Departments Higher Education Academy – April 2007.