Arts & Communication Design - Modules for 2018-19

Module CodeModule TitleLevelFurther Information
FA0AR1Art0More information
FA1ARTArt Studio1More information
FA1ENEnglish for Arts and Communication Design1More information
FA1MB"Artist as… Models, Becomings, Encounters"1More information
FA1ME"Medium, Media and Material"1More information
FA1MMModernisms & Mythologies1More information
FA1MWVisual Thinking and Material Writing1More information
FA1RW"Reading Objects, Writing Images"1More information
FA1SAFine Art Studio1More information
FA1WCAWhat is the Contemporary?1More information
FA2AA"Aesthetic, Anti-Aesthetic"2More information
FA2AS"Artist as… Models, Becomings, Encounters"2More information
FA2IAE"Affect, Aesthetics and the Event"2More information
FA2IBDBodies of Difference2More information
FA2ISInternational Study2More information
FA2IS1Part 2I Studio2More information
FA2IS2Part 2I Studio2More information
FA2ISPIndependent study with Work Placement2More information
FA2ITEXImage Action Text2More information
FA2IWCWhat is the Contemporary?2More information
FA2MWVisual Thinking and Material Writing2More information
FA2S1Part 2 Studio including Career Management Skills2More information
FA2S2Part 2 Studio including Career Management Skills2More information
FA2SAFine Art Studio including CMS2More information
FA2SSAStudy Abroad2More information
FA2TEXAImage Action Text2More information
FA2WCWhat is the Contemporary?2More information
FA3DISArt dissertation3More information
FA3DISBDissertation3More information
FA3HS1Part 3H Studio3More information
FA3HS2Studio (joint honours)3More information
FA3HSBStudio3More information
FA3VCDArt and History of Art Dissertation3More information
FAMAP"Art, Power, Politics"MMore information
FAMCACritical Art PracticeMMore information
FAMDADissertationMMore information
FAMMAMapping the Art WorldMMore information
FAMS1Studio PracticeMMore information
FAMS2Studio and ExhibitionMMore information
FAMSVInternational Study VisitMMore information
FT1ENEnglish for Arts and Communication Design1More information
FT1IFIIntroduction to Film1More information
FT1ITHIntroduction to Theatre1More information
FT1ITVIntroduction to Television1More information
FT1P1MPractical 1: Making Meaning1More information
FT1P2FPractical 2: Film and TV1More information
FT1P2TPractical 2: Theatre1More information
FT1P3FPractical 3: Film/TV Project1More information
FT1P3TPractical 3: Theatre Project1More information
FT2ARAcademic Research Skills2More information
FT2CPDCreative Industries and Professional Development2More information
FT2EEExtended Essay2More information
FT2FAFilm Authorship2More information
FT2FFCFilm Forms and Cultures2More information
FT2FGFilm Genre2More information
FT2P1FCreative Practice: Film/TV2More information
FT2P1TCreative Practice: Theatre2More information
FT2P2FPractical Project: Film/TV2More information
FT2P2TPractical Project: Theatre2More information
FT2PIPerformance and Identity2More information
FT2PNPerformance and Nation2More information
FT2PPYProfessional Placement Year2More information
FT2PTGPopular Television Genres2More information
FT2RFTRadical Forms and Practices in Theatre2More information
FT2RPResearch Production2More information
FT2SA1Study Abroad 12More information
FT2SA2Study Abroad 22More information
FT2SA3Study Abroad 32More information
FT2SA4Study Abroad 42More information
FT2WBL"Work Based Learning in Film, Theatre or Television"2More information
FT3APPAdvanced Practical Project3More information
FT3CDContemporary Documentary3More information
FT3CST"Cinema, Spectacle and Technology"3More information
FT3CTVChildren’s Television3More information
FT3DISSDissertation: Film & Theatre3More information
FT3EPEnsemble Practice3More information
FT3IAAIdentity, Agency, Advocacy: Diversity and Representation in Film, Television and Theatre3More information
FT3JDFADissertation (Art and Film & Theatre)3More information
FT3LPLandscape and Place in Film3More information
FT3MTMillennial Television3More information
FT3PEPerforming Ecology3More information
FT3PLWork Placement3More information
FT3RCRepresenting Conflict on Stage and Screen3More information
FT3RPResearch Production3More information
FT3SWPScreen Industry Working Practices3More information
FT3TCTheatres of Crisis3More information
FT3VCVideographic Criticism3More information
FT3WBL"Work Based Learning in Film, Theatre or Television"3More information
FT3WCWorld Cinema: Presenting and Representing Reality3More information
FT3WOWomen’s Cinema3More information
FTMAEFilm AestheticsMMore information
FTMCTPContemporary Theatre and Performance PracticesMMore information
FTMDFTPDissertation or Film / Theatre PracticeMMore information
FTMFDPDissertation or Film PracticeMMore information
FTMFFFilm Programming and Film FestivalsMMore information
FTMFPFilm ProductionMMore information
FTMFTFFestivals and ProgrammingMMore information
FTMTFTheatre Programming and Theatre FestivalsMMore information
FTMTTLTransnational Theatre Landscapes: Institutions and InfrastructureMMore information
TY1DP1Design Practice 11More information
TY1ENEnglish for Arts and Communication Design1More information
TY1HG1History of graphic communication 11More information
TY1HG2History of graphic communication 21More information
TY1INTIntegrated Design Methods1More information
TY1PRIPrinting and printmaking1More information
TY1SKSkills for design practice1More information
TY2DP2Design practice 22More information
TY2DP2SDesign practice 2 study abroad2More information
TY2DTDesign thinking2More information
TY2DTSDesign thinking2More information
TY2EDIntroduction to editorial design2More information
TY2IAIntegrated design methods 2A2More information
TY2IASIntegrated design methods 2A2More information
TY2IBIntegrated design methods 2B2More information
TY2IBSIntegrated design methods 2B2More information
TY2PPYTypography Professional Placement Year2More information
TY2PRPProfessional Practice 12More information
TY2SAStudy Abroad2More information
TY3ATAdvanced typography for printed and electronic books3More information
TY3BPBranding Project3More information
TY3DFCDesign for change3More information
TY3DP3Design Practice 33More information
TY3DSDissertation3More information
TY3EDAdvanced editorial design3More information
TY3INFInformation Design3More information
TY3LETLetterpress3More information
TY3LFHistory of letterforms and typography3More information
TY3PDPackaging Design3More information
TY3PRPProfessional Practice 23More information
TY3SKSkills for design practice3More information
TY3TYPTypeforms3More information
TY3WIWord and image3More information
TYMCESIStrategic Information DesignMMore information
TYMCEUCUser Centred Design MethodsMMore information
TYMDISDissertationMMore information
TYMIDCInformation design: core moduleMMore information
TYMIDPInformation design: PracticeMMore information
TYMPBCBook design core moduleMMore information
TYMPBPBook design practiceMMore information
TYMPDSDissertationMMore information
TYMRMResearch methods in typography and graphic communicationMMore information
TYMRPSelf-directed research projectMMore information
TYMTDCTypeface design: principles and applicationsMMore information
TYMTDPTypeface design: Reflective PracticeMMore information
TYMTRAArchives and design practiceMMore information
TYMTRSDiscourse in typeface designMMore information

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