Food Law News - UK - 2000

3 April 2000: ENFORCEMENT - Proposals for the Food Standards Agency Local Authority Food Law Enforcement Monitoring and Audit Accountability Framework

FSA Announcement, 3 April 2000

Proposals for the Food Standards Agency Local Authority Food Law Enforcement Monitoring and Audit Accountability Framework

The Food Standards Agency will introduce a scheme for setting and auditing standards for the enforcement of food law by local authorities. It will:

Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland have been involved in the development of these proposals. The Agency's Executives in the three countries will make their own announcements on the implementation of equivalent schemes adapted to meet local circumstances.

The consultation letter seeks comments on proposals for the Food Standards Agency accountability framework through which the Agency will establish links with local authority food law enforcement services to meet commitments as set out in the Government's White Paper "The Food Standards Agency - A Force for Change".

The consultation document sets out proposals covering four main areas:

In particular, comments would be welcomed on:

The White Paper "The Food Standards Agency - A Force for Change" identified the need for stronger links between central and local government on food law enforcement. It also identified the Food Standards Agency as having a key role overseeing local authority enforcement activities. It envisaged the Agency setting and monitoring standards and auditing local authorities' food law enforcement activities to ensure such work was effective and undertaken on a more consistent basis. Powers to enable the Agency to monitor and audit local authorities are contained in the Food Standards Act 1999.

Following consultation on the White Paper the Joint Food Safety and Standards Group (JFSSG) held a series of meetings, in the first part of 1998, with a number of industry, enforcement and consumer organisations to discuss food law enforcement in the context of the Food Standards Agency. This led to further more detailed work to examine the current links with local authorities on food law enforcement and how these links could be strengthened. In particular, work has focussed on two key aspects of the Agency's relationship with local authority enforcement, namely the setting and monitoring of enforcement standards and the development of a national scheme to audit local authority food law enforcement work. The necessary components to form this accountability framework have been identified as:

Comments are required no later than 3 July.

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